
Planless...XXlll "here comes the sun"

Diterbitkeun: 25.09.2019

After Liverpool, we decided to explore the coasts of Wales. For the first night, we drove to a parking lot that had a lot to offer. It should also be said that the road there was very steep. The only comparable place I know is a dead-end street in the beautiful canton of Nidwalden.

The planner did a great job and we rewarded him with a dream parking lot that had a lot to offer.


On one side a great view of the sea with the cliffs and on the other side an (it's really true) impressive almost creepy cemetery with numerous sheep lounging on the road.


In the past few weeks, we may have praised the good weather too much, which seems to be catching up with us. We also realized that we have seen enough of the coastal regions and decided to go on a road trip across Wales.

In the beginning, it wasn't easy to find a direction... because turning left 4 times is also driving in circles. To define the 4 times more precisely, we managed to drive on side roads, over hills and around a reservoir and experienced a part of the seclusion of Wales...

... later in the afternoon, after a good 8 hours of driving, we reached a campsite on a farm. The place seemed very pleasant and was also empty except for a few other travelers.
Camping Farm
Camping Farm

We like it here! A good parking spot that also protects us from the rain under a tree.
We cooked really well there and argued about who is the better cook.

Simple but perfect in detail was this campsite with large hot showers that were absolutely lovable 😍
We enjoyed our stay for 3 days before continuing on September 25th.

Spastgal took the wheel and we are already out of Wales. It seemed as if she forgot to brake.

For this night we had a bridge view.


Next destination Portsmouth or somewhere in the area

insta: ypsilon_wdmr88
insta: basgaal
Waleran (4)

Wer kann nun besser kochen ? 🤔

Wenn iär de wieder hei chemid muäss ja s Mami nimmä chochä. De chenid iär ja de ichäs glehrti zeigä. 👍



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