Von Singapur bis Chiang Mai
Von Singapur bis Chiang Mai

Day 2 - Trip to Melaka

E hatisitsoe: 09.03.2023

Day 2 (08.03.2023):
The second day of our trip started early. The night was over at 4 o'clock. The jet lag made itself felt and there was no more sleep. In addition, our neighbor decided to take a shower at half past 5. Thanks to the thin walls, we naturally heard everything, including the spitting out of his nasal mucus. Excellent! Luckily, we were able to get some sleep until the alarm clock rang at 9 o'clock.After the morning walk through Little India and the more or less successful search for breakfast, we finally packed our things and took a Grab to the bus station. There we met Lisa, a nice Dutch girl who was also on her way to Melaka.On the three-hour bus ride, we talked, got to know each other, and shared our travel experiences. This also gave us the opportunity to use our rusty English. So the bus ride flew by. The highlight was also crossing the border into Malaysia. The first stamp in the passport! By the way, there seems to be something wrong with Erik's face. The AI of the identity check once again denied him entry. Luckily, the border officers were more lenient.

Upon arriving in Melaka, we unfortunately had to realize that the SIM card, which should have worked in Malaysia as well, refused to cooperate. So we didn't have internet for the time being. Fortunately, Lisa was there and provided us with a Grab directly to our hotel (Halmark Leisure Hotel, 68, Jalan Portugis). For 88 MYR (about 19€) we got a clean and quite large room with two beds and a bathroom. However, we didn't stay long, as we wanted to change money on the way to the city. Unfortunately, almost everything was closed by 7 p.m., so we walked around for quite a while until we could withdraw money at an ATM. On the way through Jonker Walk, however, there was a lot to see, so the journey was enjoyable. We also bought a new SIM card, the setup of which turned out to be quite complicated, and finally had internet again.

On the way back to the hotel, we looked for something to eat and finally arrived back in our room at around 10 p.m. There, we sat down again to plan for the next day and did some workouts in anticipation of our beach bodies and upcoming competitions after our trip. Satisfied, we fell asleep and thus ended Day Two.


Litlaleho tsa maeto Malaysia