
Maldives Day 13 - 'No, Mom, there's no wave coming...'

E hatisitsoe: 19.08.2021

August 7, 2021

The night was still stormy, but this morning at 7:30 I see the first rays of sun in the sky. The sea is very wavy, but it's no longer raining and the wind has subsided.

Wavy, but sunny!

I lay on the beach in the morning sun and wait for the family to get ready.

Enjoying the sun

A huge annoyance is that some tourists leave everything behind wherever they happen to be! And they don't care!

We have observed this all over the island. They get a lot of cocktails, but despite the nice, sometimes written request everywhere to please bring the glasses back to the bar (and we're talking about a max. 3 minutes walk on the mini island!!!), some half-full cocktails are simply left on other beach chairs. Just like this morning on the beach, on the beach chairs, including OUR beach chair with the number 118 on it !!!

This really annoys me!!!!

The half-full glasses have fallen over due to the wind and the whole beach chair is now full of fruit juice and sticky.


After breakfast, we all jump into the sea together and have a lot of fun jumping in the waves. Some big waves are coming in. It almost feels like our vacation in the Azores last summer - but with turquoise water and double the water temperature 🤪

Surprisingly, the sea is very clear despite the waves. We can see the bottom everywhere. It has never been this clear since we've been here. Until now, the sea in the first third of the lagoon was milky and opaque, turquoise blue but not clear.

It would be good for snorkeling, but with the waves we can't even get 5 meters away from the beach.

Some snorkelers still try, but they give up quickly.

Most tourists have made themselves comfortable on their beach chairs in the sun, we almost have the sea and the waves to ourselves 🤪

Afterwards, we start another search mission: the kids haven't found their bungalow key since yesterday. It can't be gone, but we don't know where it is either. We've already searched both bungalows, all the clothes, bags, backpacks, and pants twice: gone! 😱

Damn, hopefully it turns up again, otherwise it will be expensive 😬

Chilling in Bungalow 117
Chilling on the Terrace of Bungalow 117

The mosquitoes are also annoying! I haven't figured out exactly when they like to sting. Definitely in the twilight, but they're also active in the morning and afternoon.

Autan has worked well for us, the 'milder' repellents (from Citronella to Antibrumm, etc) don't bother the bugs.

Before I think about using Autan, the bugs want to sting me (and I've collected quite a few red bumps already!). Hunting instinct - and smack - 2 fewer mosquitoes 🤪

This nasty mosquito won't sting anyone anymore!
Hunted! Number 2 won't sting anyone either!

During lunch, we're almost alone. It seems that fewer and fewer people have booked 'All Inclusive' - we already noticed that yesterday. In the first week, all vacationers seemed to have booked it without exception, and lunch was just as crowded as breakfast or dinner.

The vacationers have now been completely replaced, and since the day before yesterday we haven't seen anyone who was here when we arrived. It seems that no one else is here for 15 days except us.

I feel a little sorry for the vacationers who arrived yesterday before or after the storm (or had to leave). Hopefully the wind will calm down tomorrow. Waves are fun, but not suitable for snorkeling at all.

The sun has also hidden behind the clouds again. Too bad ...

It's still warm, but the real Maldives feeling doesn't really come up right now 😬

After lunch, I take a walk on the water bungalow jetties with my son and husband. I have been here on my own several times.

Because I wore flip flops, the hot wooden planks of the jetties didn't bother me. Since it's no longer sunny today, my boys can walk barefoot on the jetties.

Walking on the water bungalow jetties

The sea is very wavy, and the waves crash against the concrete walls of the islands, spraying several meters high fountains into the air at regular intervals when they hit the island wall.

So I'm a little wary of the jetties. We walk to the end of the jetties, see a few schools of fish in the turbulent water, and of course, my son has to climb down the ladders towards the water on the jetty of the Superior Bungalows. It was clear that the second wave would catch him and now he has wet pants 🤷🏻

My husband and he find it very funny. Well, as far as I'm concerned - it's warm.

So as beautiful as the water bungalows may be: they wouldn't be for me!

You can constantly hear the waves, and then the running on the jetty...

With yesterday's storm, I wouldn't have dared to leave the bungalow 😉

I also find the view rather modest. The new bungalows look out onto Malé/Airport Island or the construction site island across, the old bungalows also look towards the new bungalows or Malé. I prefer to enjoy the view of the beach with palm trees and sea view from the beach bungalow 😍

From the jetty, we see the waves crashing against the pool wall. Incredible how high the water splashes. Of course, my son can't resist and has to pose and fool around on the wet boat jetty right in front of the Thulhagiri sign. I warn him that a wave can come, he doesn't believe me...and then it's too late. We both see the wave rolling in, it turns at the wall instead of crashing against it, and it pours about 3 meters high from the side over the jetty - right over my son! The force of the wave is so strong that it almost knocks him down.

No, Mom, there's no wave coming!
I foresee something bad...
And Splash!
....wet down to the underwear 🤪

Screaming and laughing loudly, he now runs from the jetty soaked to the underwear (of course, he's not wearing swimwear). Well done 🤪

In front of the Sand Bar, there is a cart full of suitcases. It seems that many have left today and some new guests have arrived.

The island is now firmly in German hands. There are only a few exceptions, otherwise, everyone speaks German!

We spend the afternoon on the beach chairs of the bungalow terrace. Unfortunately, the sun doesn't want to show itself anymore, but the wind seems to be getting stronger.

Dagmar and Paul are out with the kites again, we chill until dinner and go on another key search.

Unfortunately, the key is still nowhere to be found...

After dinner, we sit in the Sand Bar and play cards.

Hiccup 🤪

Hopefully that was the end of the storm - it would be nice if the sun would come out again in the last few days...


Litlaleho tsa maeto Maldives