Riding shotgun with us ...
Riding shotgun with us ...

Into the deep - Navajo Loop Trail in Bryce Canyon

E hatisitsoe: 03.07.2023

After following the trail in Zion Canyon yesterday, we headed towards Bryce Canyon to see this canyon again. We first drove along the rim to the end of the route, Rainbow Point, and then viewed the nine viewpoints along the route. It's not the first time we've been here, but it's always overwhelming how beautiful this canyon is. The unique formations of the hoodoos (rock towers), the coloring of the rocks, and the vastness that the viewer is offered.

After realizing that nothing or not much has changed, we went to our overnight accommodation in Panguitch.

Our plan for the next day was a hike into Bryce Canyon. We chose the Navajo Loop Trail. The trail could be completed in a little over an hour. We didn't have time for a longer hike as we had to drive to Salt Lake City on the same day, and that was 240 miles to cover.

We arrived at Bryce Canyon around 9 am, but here too, like in the national parks before, the parking situation is special. So early in the morning, the parking lots are almost full and you drive for ages until you find a spot. Sometimes you even have to bypass the official parking lots and find a space of about 3-4 square meters.

The descent into the canyon had to be tackled with 29 switchbacks. The difference in altitude from the entry point to the lowest point was about 500 feet. The special thing about it is that you get very close to the "walls" here and not just have a view from above of the whole thing. So we wanted to get up close...

The hike was really beautiful. The path led through gorges and past the hoodoos, which can be up to 60 meters high. Despite the barren landscape, trees manage to reach towards the sky here.

The ascent was more challenging. The canyon is at about 2500 meters and when you have to tackle inclines at around 30 degrees, you're glad when you finally reach the top.

Now we could drive to Salt Lake City by car. However, I have to revise my entry from yesterday - our car started acting up again. It started with the fact that after we left the accommodation, the check engine light came on in the display. Huh, what's that now? Overnight??? But the engine was running normally and the vehicle manual said that this light indicates an irregularity, but a repair shop should only be urgently visited if the light is blinking. Fortunately, it didn't. So first we went to the gas station and refueled. We set off and then the stuttering of the engine started again. We knew that this could pass, we had experienced it before... but in combination with the check engine light, it was something else...

But first we followed our plan to hike in Bryce Canyon. Everything else will be resolved (maybe after a longer break of the car, everything will be without complaints again... - that was our idealized wish).

After the hike, we had a larger damp spot under the car. Was that the air conditioning? Or was it something else? We couldn't find out.

What to do? We now had 240 miles ahead of us and what happens if we break down? It's Sunday! So, first we called ADAC in Panguitch, but they are only responsible if you are traveling with your own vehicle. With a rental car, you have to inform the rental company. So we called Thrifty, or tried to... after 20 minutes on hold, we got fed up and decided to just drive. "As usual", the first 50 to 60 miles with occasional engine stuttering, which eventually subsided. However, the check engine light continued to illuminate steadily. Relaxed driving is something else. The focus was almost exclusively on the warning light, waiting for it to start blinking.

But it didn't, and we reached Salt Lake City in the afternoon. Now first to the hotel. Our plan was to go to the Thrifty rental in the city in Salt Lake City on Monday and insist on getting a new or technically sound vehicle. We were not at the end of our trip yet. We still had almost three weeks ahead of us. Checking the internet told us that the city rental station of Thrifty didn't have any cars available. So we had to go to the airport and go to Thrifty there. Unlike the city station, they were open today, on Sunday, so off we went...

At the counter, we explained the problems we had. Somehow we were glad that the check engine light came on, so we had a provable reason why the car had to be replaced. The stuttering couldn't be proven...

The lady at the counter was super nice and promised us a replacement car. It was important to us that we get a car with the same size trunk. That worked perfectly and now we have a black Kia of the latest model year. For now, we're satisfied again and hope that this will be the last switch.

We've never had so many cars on a vacation before. The Kia now is the third vehicle we've had since Palm Springs (June 27th) (Ford Mustang, Chrysler Malibu, Kia K5). Actually, one car should have been enough. In total, we have now been in six cars since Phoenix. Let's hope the number doesn't change. Our nerves have been tested enough...

Araba (1)

Wir wechseln die Autos fast schneller als die Nationalparks 🤣

Litlaleho tsa maeto Usa