On the road again
On the road again

25.05.2023 A day off

E hatisitsoe: 26.05.2023

Early in the morning we set our alarm clocks to say goodbye to Giada, as she was the first to leave.

Later the rest of us had our breakfast and said goodbye to Luca. Then we started cleaning up and looked at some more pictures from the camp.

Followed by playing some frisbee in the park again.

We actually got a bit better since last time. And we found a frisbee that was a lot better then the one's that we were using.

Back home Suus and Wilson were the next one's to go. Leaving just me and felix. Though we will meet Suus tomorrow if the whale watching is not cancelled.

We didn't do much afterwards since it was nice to relax after the camp. We cooked some dinner and later joined the SEED volunteers to watch some movies.

Specifically Shrek1 and Shrek2 which was good fun.

Sunday starts our next camp, even in a different house so we will be moving out soon. 

And there we actually have more then 1 bathroom.

Araba (2)

Alweer leuke foto's Nick van de hele groep! Is jullie nieuwe huis ook in Reykjavik? We wensen je in ieder geval veel plezier bij het whale watching en hopen dat de nieuwe groep ook zo leuk isXXX

Hallo Nick ,fijne dag en hopelijk gaat het walvissen spotten door. Mooie groepsfoto's en weer nieuwe mensen. Knuffel Oma xxx