
Picos de Europa - Bridges

E hatisitsoe: 04.08.2023

Even when waking up it was drizzling and we fled towards Picos de Europa after checking the weather app. I was really looking forward to finally go to these mountains. After a few kilometers on the highway, we took the winding road, first through the countryside, then for quite a long time through a gorge. Rocks piled up on the left and right.

I would have liked to ride my bike as well, but the pretty heavy traffic took away my desire. Just before Pontes, we decided to turn into a side valley and head to a campsite there. We couldn't really remember the last shower and the "laundry basket" was already overflowing.

For the first time on our trip - even though we hadn't booked a single spot in advance - we were turned away from a place because it was full. Luckily, there was another spot just a few kilometers away and we found a place there.

I took advantage of the opportunity and jumped on the bike after doing laundry. It went uphill into the valley towards Fuente Dé, almost 20 km uphill, over 800 meters in altitude. Every now and then, a strong wind blew around my ears, and two turns later, with calm and sunny weather, it felt like 45 degrees. The weather forecast predicted a change in weather and just before reaching the last village in the valley, dark clouds moved over the mountains. I decided to turn around and in no time, I was back down at the campsite. The first shower in days felt amazing.

We hopped on the bike to explore the town of Pontes. It's a really touristy place, but still beautiful. Great houses, narrow alleys, and houses decorated with geraniums make the village shine.

I really like it here, let's see what reason I find to stay here a little longer!

Araba (2)

Kann ja nicht gleich wieder, aber wenn ich könnte, dann... Lese ich halt deine Beiträge. Viel Spass und viele Entdeckungen auf eurer Reise.

Kann dich voll und ganz verstehen....DANKE!

Litlaleho tsa maeto Spain