
My trip to Uruguay

E hatisitsoe: 28.08.2019

Blog entry No. 1                                                                                   14.8.19

Hi or also Hola.

My name is Mara.

Right now I am sitting in an airplane on my way to Montevideo.

That is the capital of Uruguay.

Because I will now live here for a year as I am doing a year abroad.

And for all those who do not know what to imagine about Uruguay, here are a few facts.

Uruguay is a small country in South America, which is located between Brazil and Argentina.

It is about half the size of Germany and has only about as many inhabitants as Berlin (3 million), of which over half already live in the capital Montevideo.

The country is completely flat, the highest "mountain" is not even 300 meters high, but there should be grazing areas for the many cows everywhere.

The Uruguayos are supposed to be practically deeply relaxed and generally live there as if in slow motion.

And there I will live for the next year.

My host family consists of my host mother and my host brother.

And the rest of the relatives like uncles, cousins, etc.

I have already had contact with my host mother and my host cousin and they sound very nice. I am really happy to come to this family and I am looking forward to getting to know everyone properly.

As already mentioned, I am currently sitting on the plane on my way to my new life for a year.

At Frankfurt Airport, all the young people from Germany who are traveling to Uruguay with YFU (my exchange organization) have met to fly together. The others all seem to be nice.

In total, we fly about 12 hours to Sao Paulo (Brazil) where we have a 2-hour stopover and then another 2 hours to Montevideo.

Unfortunately, there are still 10 hours left of these 12 hours and since I can't really sleep on the plane, it will be a very long night for me.

In Montevideo, we will stay for a few days and we will be prepared for our year abroad.

Then we will travel to our host families.

My host family lives in Salto, a city with about 120,000 inhabitants directly on the border with Argentina.

Salto is located on the Rio Uruguay, which gives the country its name.

In addition, there are some thermal springs nearby.

Right now I am excited, but it is still within limits, I guess it will be stronger when we meet our families.

To everyone in Germany: I love you, have a great time and see you soon.

Ps: This is the first time I am doing something like this, so don't be surprised if I still write a little rusty, I think that will come with time.


Litlaleho tsa maeto Uruguay