
build a new home...

E hatisitsoe: 23.10.2016

I have now been in Australia for almost two weeks. At the other end of the world. But did I imagine the time here like this? Does the English work? What do you do in the middle of nowhere when you don't have to work? How about driving on the left side of the road? What have I experienced so far?

in the middle of nowhere...
in the middle of nowhere...

I don't even know where to start... Life here is so completely different from life in Germany. People are always open and approach you directly. Today, I was in a small supermarket in the next village (yes, everything is open on Sundays here) and I talked with the cashier for at least half an hour. You can call it curious or open, but I think it's great. :) This way, you are forced to speak English and at the same time you get to know new people. And my English is really working quite well :)

I have my own car here, which I think is great, because without a car you are really lost. After initially being a little afraid of driving on the left side of the road, I'm getting pretty good at it now. Okay, I admit, sometimes I still use the windshield wipers instead of the turn signals :D But honestly, why do you have to switch them anyway??? And I have already stolen someone's right of way... I wanted to turn right. But when you turn right in left-hand traffic, it's like turning left in right-hand traffic... it's complicated. Besides, a car might pass by every 15 minutes, if at all. Well, whatever, I was also amazed by the gasoline prices. You pay about half the price for a full tank here compared to what you would pay in Germany. (But food is more expensive here!)

But now, let's talk about the most important part: My kids :)

My kids are great. Although I still can't tell the twins apart, but maybe that will come.

Okay, they have different things on in the photos, but do you see any differences??? I don't :D

We spend most of our time outside. In any weather. The first thing I bought here... RAIN BOOTS! We walk across the pastures, down to the river, or just through the fields, play in our playground, or sometimes annoy the chickens.

Although my everyday life as an au pair hasn't really started yet because my host mom doesn't have to work yet. So, it's still just the two of us. However, she usually takes care of a few things in and around the house, and I take the 3 older ones with me to play.

Breakfast, Lunch and Tea (Dinner)...

The only thing that bothers me about the food here is the bread... they really only have this kind of toast bread here, no grains, no dark flour, just that! Well, I'll survive :) Maybe you can send bread?? :D But when it comes to actually eating here, I can only say that it's really delicious! The spices here are much stronger than in Germany and they have a different taste... but really good :) The dishes are not that different from Germany (pasta, rice dishes, pizza, etc...) and no, there is no kangaroo to eat. You can buy it, but it's not very popular here. All just rumors... However, when it comes to meat, there is meat every day :D Seriously, there is meat in every dish, so as a vegetarian, you really have a hard time here. But you can say that most of the meat comes from local sources. Yes, slaughter day is coming up soon...

I get to cook every Friday evening :)

When I'm not working, it's a bit difficult here. Since I'm really in the middle of nowhere, there's nothing here except farm after farm :D Next week, I'll meet another au pair who lives ONLY 40 minutes away. And guess what, they have horses :) And we get to ride!!! Maybe I can even convince my host parents to get a horse... they are not completely against it. On my first day off, I just drove off and ended up at a beautiful lake :)

Lake Huma
Lake Huma

I think over time, these long distances won't bother me anymore, because you just can't avoid them. But for now, it's still pretty annoying!

See you next week :) Have a great day!

