
Tag 5,5 - Night Train to Budapest

E hatisitsoe: 31.08.2024

After a few minutes of delay, the train to Budapest arrived. Since I had never traveled on a night train before, even finding the correct compartment was a mild challenge for me. After asking two staff members and being sent in different directions each time, I finally found the sleeper car.

Sleeper car of the Hungarian railway company
With two heavy backpacks, it's a big challenge to squeeze through the aisles

One staff member took a photo of my ticket and guided me to my compartment. Luckily for me, only two of the six beds were occupied. The young couple I would share the compartment with was very helpful, assisting me in setting up my bed and explaining everything I needed to know.

I slept on the middle bunk
The bunks could be folded down into seats

A fresh bed cover, a small bottle of water, and a piece of chocolate were prepared for me.

In my imagination, the train would gently rock me to sleep, allowing me to wake up refreshed in Budapest. However, reality was different. Either the wind whipped in from the open window, or the room heated up to sweat-inducing temperatures within minutes due to the closed window. Whenever we approached a station, the train would come to an abrupt stop, and a shrill voice over the loudspeaker would announce the stop.

My bunk with a direct view out the window

Around 4:00 AM, I was able to slip into a light sleep and mostly slept through until 8:00 AM. At 8:30 AM, a staff member gently knocked on our door. He informed us that we would soon be arriving in Budapest and brought juice, coffee, and cookies as a small meal.

View from the train window

The sunrise breathed new energy into my body, and we arrived in Budapest around 9:00 AM.

Araba (2)

Lieber Jonas, Es ist sehr schön von Dir zu hören und Deine Reiseberichte sind sehr herzerfrischend und haben uns das ein oder andere Mal ein Schmunzeln entlockt :) Wir wünschen Dir noch eine tolle Reise mit weiteren schönen Erlebnissen und interessanten Begegnungen. Bis bald ..

Heyy Jonas🧑🏻‍🦰, echt coole Reiseberichte!!! Mich efreut es sehr dich auf deiner Reise durch Europa auf dem Regenbogen zu verfolgen🥰. Viele Grüße aus Irland von deiner geheimen Fam und noch weiter schöne Erlebnisse, auf das du am Ende den Goldpot erreichst!!!😝🤗🤗

Litlaleho tsa maeto Hungary