Discovering Florida
Discovering Florida

A place to forget...

E hatisitsoe: 27.03.2019

Our destination today was Key Largo. A stopover on the way to Key West. So we got up quite early and then drove south.

Imagine that the Everglades stretch over an area of more than 6,000 square kilometers and that all kinds of wild animals live there, then you have a somewhat strange feeling when crossing the Everglades.

We soon reached Miami and then continued south towards Key Largo to our accommodation, "Holiday Inn".

Then we slowly began to realize that the choice of location may not have been so good. Near our hotel, there was a kind of canal where ships could dock directly.

Weird, no beach in sight... but we wanted to go to the beach! So we looked on Google to see what was available. Ah, the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. Too far to walk, so we decided to check it out by car. We arrived at 4:00 p.m. and still had to pay a $9 fee. 😡

The park itself was quite nice, but there were hardly any beaches here...

We didn't even bother putting on our swimwear because the beach was just a joke in terms of size. Our beige carpet in the living room is more of a beach than this. Pretty sad, Key Largo!

I tried to improve the already tense mood with dinner and took Sascha to the Bayside Grill, where you could enjoy seafood while looking out onto the sea. We had a "Coconut Shrimp Buket" and enjoyed the fresh sea air along with a beautiful sunset.

Since the place had sticky tables, offered strange service, and then a completely untalented guitarist desperately tried to create some atmosphere, we decided not to have wine in that dive (4.5 stars on Google Maps... tsk tsk... pure fraud!). The food was good and the view of the sunset was nice, but we probably won't visit this place again.

In order to salvage the evening, we bought a bottle of wine from a liquor shop and looked for a cozy spot to drink it...

A bench by the water, maybe? No luck. Okay, how about a park bench at the hotel? Oh man, not there either. Is there anything to sit on at all?! 👿

After we had had enough, we made a quick decision.

Well then, cheers and let's hope for a better experience in Key West.

Good night!
