Torndirrup National Park

E hatisitsoe: 12.01.2017

....... the hot and dry continent .......

well, the laundry I hung out to dry yesterday is soaking wet today, it's been storming and raining all night.....

.... and so it will go, somewhat reluctantly, to the nearby Torndirrup National Park with continuous storm and clouds. And as it happens, after breakfast at least the rain is gone and the wind has actually blown the laundry dry.

And off we go, it's not that far this time .......

and there's an old whaling station.....

...... and waves.........

..... even more waves ...........

....... and wind ( otherwise there wouldn't be any waves) ...........

.... and colors .......

..... colors .......

....... colors ........

...... even more colors ......

....... and true works of art of nature .......
