
15 Heat - Break - Recover

Објављено: 27.09.2020

Sunday, 8/19/2018

Route: Danube Cycle Path 5 (Kovin)

Distance traveled: 0 kilometers

Highlight of the day: catching up on sleep

There is not much to say about today. The alarm clock rang at 6:00 AM, but we completely ignored it. So we slept until around 9 or 9:30. But that wasn't a problem because it was Sunday anyway, and we had two flat tires. The night before, we had considered fixing the bikes in the morning, pumping up the tires, and just seeing how far we could go, but then the bed was so warm and comfortable that we didn't want to get up. Eventually, we did get up and had breakfast until around 11:30. After that, we went back to the room and took a nap until about 2:00 PM, and then chilled out for a bit.

At some point, we went into town to find the workshop so that we could find it easily the next day. We found it right away. Then we went back and looked for the Danube so that we could find that too. The Danube itself does not flow directly through the city, only a kind of offshoot or tributary. There were some people fishing there, but we couldn't tell if it was suitable for swimming. Either way, it was extremely hot, so we immediately sought shade. We also saw where the cycle path would continue the next day. After that, we went back to the hotel and visited the still-unfinished garden area.

The whole hotel is currently under construction. When it's finished, it will be really beautiful. Currently, only a few rooms and the restaurant are finished. The garden is still under construction. There is actually an exact replica of the Danube, cast in concrete as a mold, and at some point, water will be added. If there are villages or towns along the river in reality, there are small signs here with the names of the places. It's pretty cool, and very detailed.

So we looked at that and then sat down outside and made plans. Due to our involuntary break, we were behind schedule and would have to take several sections in Bulgaria by train. Julius had already planned to do that. Despite a long search with maps and the internet, we couldn't find anything concrete, just a few places with train stations. In Vidin, the first place with a major train station, we will go to the ticket counter and ask for information.

Then we went back to the room and chilled out. In the evening, we went back down to the restaurant and ate something. I ordered a Caesar salad and expected a green salad with a few extras. But no! The salad didn't have a single leaf of green. It only consisted of cucumbers, tomatoes, meat, and croutons. It was very tasty, there's no question about it. But I was expecting something else and had ordered extra fries to have a complete meal. But after the salad, I was already full. After that, we went to bed soon after.

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