
From San Mateo to Huancayo

Publikuar: 05.06.2022

A section with obstacles.

From San Mateo we only drove 12km further (and 540 meters of altitude), to acclimatize to the altitude and take it slowly. We didn't find a place to stay. We were sent from A to B, told to knock on doors - no one wanted to give us a room. But we found a beautiful camping spot behind the town, right by the river. Dinner was difficult. There were so many restaurants, but they all only had chicken. At a food stall, we found pancakes. Great!! I thought... but then, in the tent, the grumbling started and I started feeling worse. You can imagine how it ended.... Unfortunately, I couldn't get out of the tent fast enough and the first wave went into the tent, the second into the vestibule. Just wonderful! Kai was so brave and cleaned everything up. My night was unpleasant and the next day I had a fever and chills. So the ride over the 4800-meter pass had to be postponed for now.

On Friday, things got better and we were able to start the tour. It was so great. The landscape was amazing, the traffic not so bad anymore, and at the top of the pass, we were in a small restaurant where we were served by a super nice Peruvian with an alpaca hat. In the evening, we arrived happily in la Oroya. The shower was at least lukewarm, but the dinner tasted really good again!

The next morning, Kai didn't feel well. He could hardly eat breakfast. Nevertheless, we set off, but Kai was getting more and more miserable. I drove the last 50 km alone. Kai chartered a small bus taxi at a 'booth'. So in the end, we all arrived safe and sound. Sunday is a rest day planned in Huancayo, and then we'll see what's next.
