
Oh no!

Publikuar: 27.12.2019

Unfortunately, while crossing railway tracks on my way from Bagan to Meiktila, I fell and injured my left wrist and head (I need a new helmet again). We managed to stop a bus that took us to the nearest town. So far, so good, but I couldn't dress myself, eat, brush my hair, open or close my bag - everything was difficult. Will I ride a bike again in this vacation? In the first few days, I was still dealing with pain and trying to cope... of course, I also thought about how lucky we have been so far. And this time too - nothing broken, easy access to the road and town... but still, a crisis occurred and there was disagreement between us about what to do next, whether to fly straight home or... and I was in a really 'everything is shit' mood. And then it started raining. Maybe you know this feeling: I immediately thought, 'See, not everything was bad, but now... but better not think about it, otherwise something else might happen...'

Anyway, the world is not so dark today and we are currently at Inle Lake (me by bus, Kai by bike), staying at a nice hotel, had a delicious meal... and in the next few days we will see if we can reschedule our return flights or if we will stay a bit longer and decide what to do then.

In any case, we send you warm greetings back home! Kai and Sonja

Përgjigju (2)

Liebe Sonni, arme Sonni Wir fühlen mit dir den Schmerz! Und wünschen dir gute Beserung!!! Trost: Das Leben geht weiter! Denk auch an die anderen, die jetzt mit dir Mitleid haben!!!

Hallo Sonja, eine Weisheit von der Tour Divide: Treffe niemals Entscheidungen während der Nacht. Warte immer bis zum nächsten Morgen! Also sorgfältig abwägen, keine überhasteten Entscheidungen treffen. Gönnt Euch einfach noch ein paar Tage Ruhe und verkürzt einfach die Route. Wenn dann immer noch nichts geht, kommt heim! Alles Gute! Der Micha