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tippi toppi-flippi floppi

91. Panama City the Second (Panama)

Publikuar: 04.05.2022


In the morning, we will take the boat back to Bocas Town to fly back to Panama City from there!

The weather is too rainy to lie by the pool. So we just get a few things like shoes and shampoo for the next few weeks and relax at the hotel for the rest of the day before heading back to the airport at 5 am the next morning!

And that's it for Panama - thank you very much, it was an exciting and beautiful time!


Panama Ronny's conclusion: 'After hearing from a certain Janosch that Panama is supposed to be very beautiful, we decided to take a closer look. I found the capital Panama City with its skyline, old town and Panama Canal very impressive, and the islands of Bocas del Toro were quite paradise-like. Unfortunately, everything there is incredibly expensive, whether it's transportation by taxi or boat, or restaurants and excursions, which is why we walked more and cooked for ourselves. The islands are marked by extreme poverty, which is somehow reflected in the atmosphere and the security situation. This seems to apply to the whole country and many places in Panama. Nevertheless, it was a nice adventure, Janosch was right with his claim.'

Panama Katha's conclusion: 'Panama was crazy! Panama City was different than expected - really exciting and very diverse! Otherwise, we only saw a few of the Bocas del Toro islands, we haven't seen the rest of the country yet! The islands were very different, Colón and Carenero were very paradise-like, while Bastimentos with its drunk and passive-aggressive residents and machete men was rather creepy! We didn't visit the remaining islands because of the expensive boat fares, and the heavy rain was counterproductive for that! So now we're moving on to our last country - the last 3 weeks of our trip!'


Raportet e udhëtimit Panamaja