

Publikuar: 04.05.2022

Finally arrived in Delphi, or rather at the campsite in the rain, which has an impressive view. Presumably, that was also the reason why there was a concentrated mass of British motorhomes there. We counted 14 in total. Assuming there are at least 2 people per motorhome, that's 28 people. Therefore, the tavern of the campsite was quite lively in the evening. However, it was more like a coffee trip. Thankfully, the campsite owner had a Greek singing duo perform, who made a valiant effort to sing over the chatter of the English. And because it was a boozy evening for the English, they were not seen in Delphi the next day.

'Delphi was a city in ancient Greece, mainly known for its oracle. Since 1987, the excavations of Delphi have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. ' Thanks Wikipedia

Delphi is located at an altitude of approximately 700 meters and you have to climb about 400 more on site. Since we left early, we actually managed to get one of the few parking spaces. Even though it was on the side of the road, it was level and spacious enough. Just 30 minutes later, there was no space left on the entire serpentine road up and down. Cheerfully, we started hiking. Always uphill. We passed by some of the ancient sites, as there were already guided tours with large tourist groups. We then calmly examined these sites on the way back downhill. All attractions are well described in Greek, English, French, and even Braille. You should plan at least 2 hours if you want to take a leisurely look at everything. In the end, we also visited the museum. However, there were just too many crowds for us. So we walked through it and only looked at the exhibits. Unfortunately, without reading the information. Sometimes we simply couldn't get to the panels.

Curious end note: When we returned to the car at the end of the tour, there were other holidaymakers taking selfies in front of our vehicle. Finally, we were asked if they could take a photo of us. Apparently, we looked exotic 🙄

Përgjigju (5)

Zum Glück hosch jetzt ned dezu gschriebe, wo die herkomme send :-D

Da wo Karl sei Ruh' hat

Zom Glück send des koi Schwoba.

Jetzt merke ich es, ihr müsst auch mal mit auf ein Bild. Sonst gibt es ja gar keinen Beweid,dass ihr dort wart.

Annelie, einfach suchen. Der Ronny ist in mindestens einem der Berichte zu sehen 😉

Raportet e udhëtimit Greqia