
Last stop in Indonesia: Java

Publikuar: 24.03.2017

My last stop in Indonesia was Yogyakarta on the island of Java to visit the largest Buddhist temple, Borobudur.
Although the majority here is Muslim, you can feel it in Yogyakarta. Even just from the looks, and often being the only tourist here...
I ordered a taxi at 4:30 am the next morning. It was worth it. The temple is amazing. When I arrived, I encountered hundreds of students. They don't often see tourists. I couldn't walk for 5 minutes alone without taking at least 100 pictures with them. Group photos and then each one individually :) And every time they had their photo, they jumped around with joy. That's how stars must feel :) But it must be sooo annoying after a while. You can already tell from afar: 'they're going to talk to me soon.' I think I walked around for 2 hours and then I had enough. The weather wasn't perfect, but it didn't rain and the morning light was still beautiful. I was also able to take a few photos without anyone in them :)

Borobudur is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Seen from the air, it looks like a giant mandala. The temple is about an hour away from Yogyakarta. And the entrance fee is quite expensive, around €17. But otherwise, everything was super cheap there. Even other entrance fees to palaces, etc. were only 35 cents or I only paid 25 cents for the bus from the airport to the city. The food there was also much cheaper than in Bali and the Gilis.
However, I didn't like Yogyakarta itself, so I booked my flight to Cambodia after only 3 nights there. I had hoped that the city would be nice and I could stay there for a few more days, but I didn't like it that much. The city didn't really have much to offer for me. But it was okay, I only wanted to go to Yogyakarta because of Borobudur anyway. I didn't fly to the island of Flores anymore. I've had enough of Indonesia now and I want to see a new country..:p
Now it's off to Siem Reap, Cambodia. But I will only stay there for a few days to visit Angkor Wat. Wow, that's been on my list for ages :)

And then half of my trip is already over. Then I'll go to Thailand for a month, then to Malaysia for a month, and since I still have another month left because I'm spending one month less in Bali than planned, I'll travel around Sri Lanka for the last month.
So far, I love the journey and I enjoy it so much. It's such a cool feeling when you're sitting at the airport and you're not going home yet, but to another country.
Even though I'll be looking forward to my bed and my dog in the end. I'm not homesick, but oh my, I miss the little rascal. I didn't expect that. I think about him almost every day and I can't wait to cuddle him again :) I've had him by my side daily for 9 years:P Of course, I'm also looking forward to my family and friends and Hamburg and the Elbe Philharmonic Hall.. it looks pretty good already :)

But now I'm going to dive into the Tomb Raider temples first!
Goodbye Indonesia!
