Publikuar: 06.06.2020
A trip to Strukkamphuk.
With incredible precision and care, we cut out the hearts of our neighbors from their bodies. We snip, frizzle, slip, almost analog to the craft sheet handed out by our group leader Monique Schnüppli.
We take the guide in hand: 'Hip joint operations in thirty days', hold the scalpel upside down, twist the adhesive clockwise, mess it up completely, along the fold this 'bap' now throws snots, we want to cover up our mishap. We fail, we spill the tea, not paying attention for a second and another mishap happens. The group leader admonishes us to pay better attention.
Completely frustrated with our two left hands, we leave the craft room with teary eyes, sticky hands, and bruises before the imminent punishment with the bright red punitive wooden clog threatens. Too bad...