
Day 62, 63 and 64 - Plaza Botero, the Botanical Garden, Salento, and Colombian coffee cultivation

Publikuar: 01.12.2022

Day 62 - Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Plaza Botero and the Botanical Garden of Medellin

Today was our last day in Medellin and we wanted to see more of the city. So in the morning, we headed towards Plaza Botero, one of the most famous squares in Colombia's second-largest city. On the way, we walked through a clothing market, where you could feel the Colombian life. There was bargaining, loud marketing, and eating everywhere. When we arrived at Plaza Botero, we admired the artistic figures that were scattered all over the square. But not only these art objects, but also the nearby church and the colorful hustle and bustle of the locals attract many tourists to this place. Manfred bought himself a new pair of sunglasses as he had once again destroyed his old one. We treated ourselves to a soda, sat down on a park bench in the shade, and enjoyed the lively atmosphere at the square. After our observation break, we continued to the Botanical Garden, which was about 3 kilometers away. When we arrived, the woman at the information desk confirmed our assumption that there was no entrance fee here. We strolled through the jungle-like park, enjoyed the wonderful air, and admired all kinds of animals and plants that were here. We spent two or three hours in the park and then decided to have a small meal. We treated ourselves to some empanadas and an ice cream, which we enjoyed on a park bench in front of the planetarium. We tried to reach Peter, Anna's brother, as it was his birthday today and we really wanted to congratulate him, but unfortunately, he didn't answer. Therefore, we made our way home as it was getting dark already.

Day 63 - Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Travel day from Medellin to Salento in Colombia's Coffee Triangle

Our bus was leaving at 9:15 am, so we took an Uber at 8 o'clock to the bus station. The traffic was terrible and we were afraid we would be late, but luckily we made it in time and started our journey to Salento. After almost 10 hours on the bus, with a short break, we arrived in the beautiful small town in the evening, in pouring rain. We checked into our accommodation, a three-story apartment, and Ingrid, who managed the property, explained some things to us. Despite speaking only Spanish, we understood the key points and were perfectly prepared for the next few days. After a small shopping trip and dinner, we enjoyed a warm shower and then went to bed.

Day 64 - Thursday, November 24, 2022
A tour of a Colombian coffee farm and the town of Filandia

Today, a tour of the coffee fields of Salento was planned. We went to the main square to catch one of the jeeps that took tourists to the farms in the area. We got our tickets relatively easily and only 15 minutes later, we were already at the 'Luger Farm'. It was one of the smallest coffee growers in the area, but our landlord assured us that the tour here would be the most authentic. We were greeted by Gustavo in perfect English. He served us coffee and then the tour began. Gustavo explained all the important points of the Colombian coffee industry, from cultivation to export. He also walked with us through the coffee fields, let us harvest coffee beans, and demonstrated the different processes of coffee drying. In the end, we even roasted, ground, and tasted our own coffee. We were thrilled with the tour and stayed on the farm for a while longer to enjoy the extraordinary atmosphere here. Another highlight were the hummingbirds that came to the feeding stations again and again and filled their bellies. After spending almost the entire morning on the grounds of the Luger Farm, we took the next jeep back to Salento.

In the afternoon, we took another jeep to Filandia. This tiny town was less known but had the same charming atmosphere as Salento. In addition to the colorful facades, numerous souvenir shops, and restaurants, the Plaza Grande was beautifully arranged and we spent the entire afternoon here, despite the rain. We took the last jeep back to Salento.


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