
Malmö and mosquitoes

Publikuar: 05.09.2016

Finally they're here! The mosquitoes. We've been waiting for so long. Different kind of pests on every spot, wasps, tailors and flying ants. Finally we can use Autan, but they're not interested. The beasts sting without shame…

There's an end-of-the-world atmosphere at the campground. It feels like being the last human. Service buildings closing, a playground without children, flags being removed...??? What's going on? The weather is great… Let's go to the beach around the corner. It's located in a bay. Empty again... We stand in the water and a man in full rubber gear takes water samples. Swimming is prohibited here, the water is bacterially contaminated. Can cause vomiting and skin irritations. We jump out disgusted. At the edge we discover a small warning sign in Swedish. It's not so important to translate it into English...

We go to the open sea. Unfortunately, there's no beach, only piers with access. A school class is having swimming lessons. The poor kids have to go into the freezing water. Philip is disappointed, he wanted to swim. At least the campground is filling up again with new arrivals. Philip makes friends with a Bavarian girl. He asks us if she speaks Sorbian. Lol... Almost as good as when he said he wants another baby. Papa just needs to fertilize the egg. Well...

No highlights today. We are already mentally and morally preparing for the journey home. Mama cannot fall asleep.

Tomorrow a little trip to a peninsula - great tips from Grandpa at the reception.


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