

Publikuar: 04.10.2018

Even though today it was two cesarean sections again, we were rewarded with twins.

And again, we can't believe how doctors and nurses can call themselves doctors and midwives here. It's about everything to me. Both the medical aspect and the human aspect. How can you perform a planned cesarean section under general anesthesia without indication for it, pulling the babies out of the womb in such a way that we think the leg is twisted or even broken? The general anesthesia without intubation is so strong that the woman is still sleeping without monitoring 2 hours later. You stand there and can't do anything. Nobody listens anyway.

But what's even worse and more painful is the human aspect. Which is unfortunately not present. The nurses are so rough, unfriendly, and walk around with their phones playing loud music videos at the most inappropriate moments - yes, even during the cesarean sections!!! And you would love to lay them naked on the table, with legs wide open, and introduce the 10 students to them. Why can't they empathize with the women?

What keeps us going is the gratitude of the women we care for!
