
Latvia Part 2

Publikuar: 14.08.2018

After two days at the great campsite, we have full energy to continue our journey. We visit Cape Kolga, which roughly translates to Cape Corner. Here, the Riga River meets the Baltic Sea and slowly but surely erodes the land. Due to a previous storm surge, many uprooted trees lie as driftwood and natural protection in the water and on the beach on the wild east side. A great sight, and as an avid driftwood fan, my heart rejoices. I would love to take everything with me, but unfortunately, I understand that I can't. Here are also the famous Kolga Rocks. A stone monument that looks as if a giant casually placed one stone on top of two others.

After that, we drive a short distance along the west coast, and in Sikrags, we park our Knut behind the big dune in a secluded parking lot in the forest. We are all alone... quickly eat something and off we go over the specially constructed boardwalk across the dune. When we reach the top, we are amazed. I can't believe it. The ultimate super-mega sandy beach right in front of us. Beach in both directions as far as the eye can see... and the best part: we are the only ones here. No one in sight. We take a little stroll on the beach in one direction. You could walk forever, and even our furry friend is somewhat excited and runs like a rocket across the sand. Fine, almost white sand, with a few white seashells. Simply beautiful. We realize: This beach tops all the previous ones (we've already had beautiful beaches... but many other people also thought they were beautiful... so we didn't find them as nice anymore). But this one, belongs to us alone! Later, we go into the waves. The Baltic Sea is clear and the water extremely clean. No algae, no jellyfish... simply nothing. In the evening, we take a long walk in the other direction. Far in the distance, there is even a river flowing from the forest into the sea. Simply amazing!

The next morning, we continue to Ventspils. A small town on the west coast. The road leads us along the sea, past endless pine and spruce forests between us and the sea. There is hardly any human settlement here, and only occasionally does a sign indicate a village. These villages can only be reached via gravel roads. This is completely normal in Latvia. Due to the hot summer, however, they are more dusty roads than gravel roads. We always leave an endless cloud of dust behind us, and the fine dust seeps into our Knut from below. We have dust EVERYWHERE!! In the kitchen with the dishes and in the cutlery drawer, on our clothes... simply everywhere. We have given up trying to clean. Dust, you can go to hell!! It's a never-ending battle... and after all, we are not traveling to clean.

We read on the Internet that all the Baltic Sea coasts in Poland are closed due to blue-green algae!! Great... our upcoming destination is Poland... here in Latvia, the beaches are amazingly clean... we can hardly believe it!!

We arrive in Ventspils and walk straight into a Ukrainian folk festival. There is a big stage set up and women, men, and children are walking around in the most colorful Ukrainian costumes. Beautiful to watch. Choirs or even children sing on stage. And, what can I say... I get goosebumps. It sounds amazing... you have to sway with the music... you can't help it. Ukrainian folk music is not as sad and melancholic as Russian music. No, the Ukrainians go all out on stage. Really fantastic to watch and listen to. They also all gladly let me take their pictures. We stroll around the town a bit more... a few old buildings... it doesn't have much more to offer. A great city beach where dogs are not allowed... well... Oh yes, the cows!! I almost forgot about the cows. Colorful cows are standing all over Ventspils. They are part of an art project from 2001. The basic idea came from Chicago, where fiberglass cows were painted and exhibited by artists for the first time in 1999. Ventspils copied this and painted a total of 24 cows, which were then auctioned off. Even after the auction, many cows remained in the city, and you come across them again and again.

We leave Ventspils and continue along the west coast. We should have refueled! But we thought: There will surely be another one somewhere!! Well, guess what... we drive and drive and drive... the gauge shows the end of the reserve... great. So we stop. We painstakingly unscrew the reserve canister from the back (it is securely fastened against theft). Fill it with fuel... attach the canister again... continue driving... and just one turn later!! What do we see?? Yes, of course, a gas station. Well, thanks a lot!!

We continue along the west coast. We see a sign. Property for sale! Right by the sea!! Price per square meter: 3 euros!! My jaw drops. Seriously? Can't believe it!! I think about the prices at Lake Constance... wow!! - Speechless!!

We find a sleeping spot a bit behind the sea at a small lake. Tourists are unlikely to find their way here. There are nice little bays to park by the lake. We grab one and make ourselves comfortable. It's Saturday evening, and everyone around the lake is swimming, grilling, and celebrating. After two hours, a Latvian extended family parks right next to us and starts unpacking and unpacking and unpacking. Seriously? Okay! We won't let it ruin our mood and greet them friendly. They don't respond with joy... I think we are blocking their favorite spot. But we think, hey... we were here first, and we're not taking up much space. So we endure. And then (hehe)... the weather gods are on our side (mean, right?!)... and send us a heavy thunderstorm. It rains endlessly. Everyone at the lake packs up... only our extended family doesn't want to believe it yet and hides in their cars. They come out twice and try to grill again... but twice it starts pouring rain again. We chuckle a bit and make ourselves a cozy bed and enjoy the sound of the raindrops on the car roof. Eventually, our extended family also packs up, and we spend the night alone. At OUR lake :)

The next morning, we are woken up by the sound of raindrops. The thermometer shows 14° Celsius. Doesn't matter. We continue southward into the inland. In a small village, I quickly go shopping in the supermarket. Two shopping baskets full for 32 euros. I find that fun. Food is incredibly cheap here. I love it... and so does our travel budget. The farmer takes his cow to graze on the village meadow... most buildings are in need of renovation... there are many storks in the villages. The people here are poor. It is impossible to overlook.

During our further drive, the sky shows all colors. From pitch black to sky blue, but two hours later, it's already 22 degrees again. Further inland. The Destiny Carpet (which some also call a road) is more patches than carpet. We realize: If only we could make all these patches colorful, then we would have a fantastic patchwork blanket/carpet/road... whatever you want to call it :) - we will suggest that to the mayor!!

Occasionally, there is a heavy downpour. Nature breathes a sigh of relief, and everything seems much greener and more vibrant. We cross the border into Lithuania. We almost didn't notice. Only a sign indicates that we are now entering Lithuania. Goodbye Latvia... it was great being with you. Your beaches have completely impressed us. And also the nice and affordable young campsites - and the Latvians themselves are friendly people... we have only had positive experiences here. Latvia has a good spirit!! :)
