Unser Reisetagebuch
Unser Reisetagebuch

Trolltunga, 03.08.2017

Publikuar: 04.08.2017

03:00 AM: The alarm clock rudely woke us up in Lummerland

04:00 AM: After a breakfast under cherry trees at our camping site, the departure was a bit difficult. To not disturb our fellow campers' holy sleep, we tried with all our strength to push the Volvo out of the muddy field. The mud was up to our ankles. Unfortunately, the car rolled in the wrong direction. So we had a collective awakening at Lofthus Camping.

05:00 AM: On the way, a bird committed suicide by flying into the windshield. It must have been a huge bird, judging by the sound it made. We were wide awake after that. Only at the parking lot did we find the bird jammed between the roof rack and the roof box. Leon found him and accompanied him directly to his cozy grave. On the recommendation of a helpful three-part Dutch group, who surely knew that there was no parking higher up, we left the car at this parking lot and obediently paid the expensive 150 NOK for a day ticket. From there, we started the supposedly 11 km long hike (one way) to the so-called Trolltunga (Eng. Troll Tongue), a walkable rock that protrudes meters high into a fjord.

05:30 AM: We really wondered where all the cars disappear that drove past us with a stupid grin.

06:15 AM: 6 km later, we reached the parking lot that was originally the starting point for this hike. At least we didn't have to pay 300 NOK / 16 hours for parking. Only here did we notice that it was possible to drive another 4 km upwards - for a proud 500 NOK. We joined the stream of top-styled hikers - with one clear advantage: we had already completed a 6 km warm-up lap.

06:30 AM: Sweating at its finest

07:00 AM: another 3-4 km later, a sign revealed that this was now the trekking trail to Trolltunga. Uhmm? What was it before? We needed a break after this shock. So, we unpacked our snacks.

10:15 AM: After 5 hours and 15 minutes (including our extra lap at the beginning), we passed the destination without noticing, but reached it 15 minutes later, completely sweaty and with burning thighs. Nearly 1500 meters of altitude through snow fields, debris, mud, and small streams are not easy. I felt like having a proper beer at the summit, celebrating the ascent, but I quickly realized that the first item on the program was a photo shoot on the rock. Humans go crazy for these pictures, everyone needs several in different poses. - And a hundred waiting people watch or snap wildly with their phones and cameras. By the way, the photo shoots of the Asian tourists were the most entertaining. Specifically, the skinny one with the pink jacket. As mentioned, top-styled. Personally, we found being a model very uncomfortable, but of course, we each wanted proof of reaching Trolltunga. And admittedly, the scenery is truly breathtaking. I'm just not sure if a single photo is worth the effort.

11:15 AM: With the pictures in hand, we started the retreat

11:45 AM: Finally - the well-deserved beer and a hearty snack in the windbreak behind a rock

03:45 PM: Despite minor ailments like open blisters on our heels and stomach cramps, we found ourselves moaning from exhaustion and cheering with relief 4 hours later at the official starting point. Maybe as compensation for the grayness at the Nordkapp, we had good weather on our side today. A light breeze around our noses while walking, a few droplets for cooling down during the tough parts and perfect sunshine for photos. We even had a tailwind! Only the last 6 km were accompanied by a rain shower. Pretty wet, we didn't want to go down the extra lap to the car anymore, when a couple from Taiwan offered to give us a ride. We "knew" them from the photo shoot ... unforgettable, that pink jacket! We were very grateful for the taxi. Before getting off, the two of them even paid us with Taiwanese apple pie. For what? For the good entertainment of course.

05:00 PM: Back at the camping site, a brief summary. Fortunately, we had no clue beforehand what we were getting into. Now, freshly showered and with full stomachs, we proudly look at the great pictures and could fall asleep right away. If you enjoy hiking and preferably have some experience with it, you can enjoy a spectacular landscape for a whole day. However, the effort is too much just for a photo, and when it rains, the path can be quite challenging at times.

Përgjigju (3)

Da zieh ich echt meinem Hut. Vor dem Berichten und den BIldern. Tolles Team


Was für eine faszinierende Landschaft! Da hat sich der Marathon ja gelohnt! Ihr seid echt tapfer marschiert und das mit offenen Fersen - 🎩Ab👏🏻👏🏻

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