
Day 16: From Isla del Sol to La Paz (April 26, 2019)

Publikuar: 26.04.2019

It is thunderstorming at night. We have to go to breakfast in rain clothing. But then it's all over. We carefully walk up the slippery steps of the Inca trail with our backpacks (feeling like 200 meters of altitude) to the boat that takes us to the "Moon Island" first. Twenty minutes of hiking is on the program. This time frame cannot be met when crossing the island. In the end, an Inca construction awaits us.

For lunch, we treat ourselves to a portion of llama meat. Then it's back to La Paz. Traffic jam in El Alto. The solution: The cable car to the city center. It goes steeply downhill or uphill. This works perfectly and saves about 30 minutes per ride on average, as a fellow passenger in the gondola assures us.
