
11 days in paradise, Galapagos

Publikuar: 12.09.2016

Yes, I was there, the most unique and species-rich place on Earth. The reason why it happened so spontaneously was actually because I found a super cheap flight and the volunteer I wanted to travel with is only here until today.

So, last Thursday at 6 o'clock in the morning, I started my journey towards Guayaquil and from there to Galapagos. Before the trip, the luggage is specially checked and even searched by police dogs, so that no drugs, living beings, or other unwanted things can be brought to the islands.

So, I spent the first day in Santa Cruz, the most populous and most developed island, with Maxine, the volunteer from the Galapagos project. I immediately noticed how beautiful and clear the sea is! When you put your hand into the water here in Playas, they just disappear, but there you can even see your feet. So, the beaches are really just paradise. The waves were also pretty good for surfing, which is sometimes a bit rare here in Playas. However, what is also noticeable are all the tourists who dominate all the islands. Already on the plane, there were a lot of Germans, Swiss, and Americans. I honestly felt quite uncomfortable in the role of a tourist and was glad that at least I could speak the language of the locals.

Port in Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz)
Port in Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz)

Tortuga Bay Beach in Santa Cruz

On Friday morning, I took the speedboat from Santa Cruz to San Cristobal, from where my cruise departed, which I had booked in advance (which was actually the only thing that was planned). Here too, there were only older German couples, Americans, and a Swiss woman on board. The first day on San Cristobal was not particularly exciting, but that didn't bother me because it allowed me to settle in. I immediately noticed that the next 4 days on the boat would be really luxurious and relaxed for me. We were cooked the best food. There was always a lot of vegetables and dessert every time, which was really unusual for me. In addition, our rooms were cleaned twice a day.

The life of the rich..
The life of the rich..
Enjoying the sun on the deck
Enjoying the sun on the deck

We spent the second day on the island of Espanola, which is probably the most beautiful island in the whole archipelago. In the morning, we went snorkeling for the first time and then went to the beach. The sand was so incredibly white and the water so clear that in my photos, you can hardly see the difference between water and land. Since the island is uninhabited and you can only reach it by cruise, it was completely empty and only a few sea lions were sunbathing on the sand. In the afternoon, we spent time in the west of the island, the only place in the world where one of the five species of albatrosses lives. The birds are really gigantic and quite beautiful. The animals in Galapagos are generally so approachable that you can almost sit beside them and they won't run away or fly away.

Welcome to the paradise
Welcome to the paradise
First snorkeling trip
First snorkeling trip
Even more beautiful with the sun
Even more beautiful with the sun
Short break..
Short break..
Love in Espanola
Love in Espanola
Diving with sea lions
Diving with sea lions
Watch out for sharks!!
Watch out for sharks!!
View from Bartolome
View from Bartolome
Layers of rocks
Layers of rocks
Frigate bird
Frigate bird
Frigate birds directly above the boat
Frigate birds directly above the boat
A bit cheesy
A bit cheesy
Blue-footed booby
Blue-footed booby
It was worth it..
It was worth it..
Enjoying the sunset
Enjoying the sunset
Fresh cocoloco from the coconut
Fresh cocoloco from the coconut

Then, I went back to Santa Cruz to stay with the German volunteers and relax there for a bit.

On Wednesday morning, Maxine and I continued to Isabela, the largest and, in my opinion, the most beautiful island. The time in Isabela was really fun, and I quickly realized that it is nicer to travel together than alone.

On the first day, we went on a bike tour with friends from Galapagos. The two guys pushed us so much that we arrived at the end of the tour completely exhausted. But the view was even more rewarding because we could overlook the whole island and see a beautiful sunset.

It was worth it..
It was worth it..
Enjoying the sunset
Enjoying the sunset
Blue-footed booby
Blue-footed booby

On Thursday morning, we went on a guided tour to the Sierra Negra volcano and once again, the guide rushed us for 5 hours, covering 16 km over rough terrain. The crater of the volcano is the second largest in the world and was really impressive. It's incredible to see the different kinds of vegetation you can find on one island. Lava fields, mountains, jungle-like forests, and beaches..

Right next to the crater
Right next to the crater

After a wild party night in Isabela with lots of cocoloco (rum with coconut water), we took the speedboat back to Santa Cruz on Friday afternoon.

Fresh cocoloco from the coconut
Fresh cocoloco from the coconut

For the last two nights, I slept on the couch at the volunteers' house because I didn't want to spend any more money on a hostel.

Since it was also Maxine's last Saturday in Galapagos, we celebrated her farewell extensively, so on Sunday morning, with only two hours of sleep and a slight hangover, I flew back home.

In Playas, I packed all my things together and yesterday, I moved to Olon, my new project and location. It's already noticeably colder here, and this morning, I was woken up by the rain.

But the family is super nice and I even have my own room. Of course, I miss Playas and all my friends there, but I think I will quickly adapt here as well.

So, enough writing... I hope you got a little insight into what's going on and check out the amazing pictures!

Kisses, Henrike

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