

Publikuar: 04.02.2019

That's it for now, I'm back in Germany again.

I had a nice last day in Kathmandu, with memories for eternity. I celebrated one last time with All Hands friends and said goodbye for the umpteenth time this week.

And every time, really every time I leave Nepal, my flight is either cancelled or delayed by one to five hours...

Yes, why Nepal actually? What makes this country so special?

I just felt comfortable there from the very first second. Thanks to the people there, who are so welcoming and warm. No matter where you go. People who put others' well-being ahead of their own. I think I'm just starting to understand the culture, the language, and all the connections now.

Definitely the landscape. I'm simply fascinated and amazed when I see the Himalayas. I mean, I've always loved mountains in general. But it's madness when you look at white peaks while having morning tea, which are between 6000 and 8000 meters high. It makes you feel so small and insignificant. Grounded.

The food, definitely. Three years ago, I couldn't imagine eating Dhalbhat for more than a week. Now I find any other dish just boring.

You just can't plan anything there. No one knows if the bus will really leave tomorrow and when. The power could be cut off at any time. Thanks to traffic jams, it could take twice as long to travel the distance. That can be annoying. But you can also just go with the flow and take it as it comes. That's what I've learned.

Of course, there are many problems there too... But those are also just reasons to go back there and make a difference. To provide children with an education, to strengthen environmental awareness,...

So, it won't be too long before I write a blog again... from wherever.
