
9th day: La Leona Eco Lodge: Pure jungle

Rakabudiswa: 27.03.2019

Wolfgang is feeling pretty bad. He is very weak and has no appetite. So he stayed here today. It's a shame he couldn't enjoy this wonderful place. I left at 8 with a group for a hike. The guide was less enthusiastic than the previous ones. Nonetheless, we saw spider monkeys, capuchin monkeys, and a pack of coatis. They are not shy at all. By the sea, we saw a black hawk in its nest. On the way back, we also encountered an anteater, but unfortunately, it couldn't be photographed. Moreover, there were many amazing birds to see again. I spent the afternoon in the hammock and in the sea. It is so beautiful here. I would have liked to stay one more day. Unfortunately, we will continue tomorrow. We hope that Wolfgang will feel better then. A fellow traveler reported similar symptoms at dinner. That gives hope that it will be over soon.

Pindura (2)

Ich hoffe auch sehr, dass das bald wieder vorbei geht, damit er nicht nur dabei ist, sondern mittendrin. Wir drücken die Daumen

Ich wünscje Wolfgang gute Besserung. Vielleicht hat der Tag Ruhe geholfen.

Kosita Rika
Mishumo yekufambisa Kosita Rika