
Week number 2

Rakabudiswa: 06.02.2018

Sodalassa, with a little delay, but here is a little update of my 2nd week in Valencia. Since I was out almost the entire weekend and Monday is now my hardcore university day, I only have time now to share some throwbacks with you ;-)  

Monday was my first day of classes, which was already filled with three courses. Generally, the structure of the classes here in Valencia is quite different from ours. Here, a subject always consists of a theory and practice unit, which take place separately. In the practice units, the focus is more on group work and active interaction, while in the theories, it's more about lectures and presentations by the professors. 

Although the theories may sound like yawning students and hours of talking by the professors, I must say that in most of my courses here, it's actually the opposite. 

What I can say in general after this week is that my professors make a great effort to make the classes dynamic and active. Also, participation plays a significant role, which makes it clear that communication and interaction are valued here. In my courses, there are usually only a maximum of 20-30 students, which creates a really pleasant classroom atmosphere :-) 

But enough about university talk, of course there was also plenty of non-academic stuff happening in my week... here are a few highlights! 

Cooking session and cozy girls' night with my WU girls. Pasta + Sangria were involved ;-) 

On Thursday evening, the university organized the event Tastallengua, where all Erasmus students were allowed to bring traditional food and drinks from their home countries. YAMMI. 

And then on the weekend, we finally went to the beach for the first time under a beautiful sunshine... I think you can see our joy ;-) 

On Sunday, Michi also made it to Valencia and the WU group was complete. We ended our Sunday and the week with a little sightseeing tour around the city and cozy coffee breaks...  

However, the free paella at Plaza de Ayuntamiento was undoubtedly the highlight of the whole tour... YAMMI again. 

(remaining photos can be found at the very top) 

Unfortunately, the weather gave us a lot of rainy days this week, but that's supposed to change in the coming days.... 
Hopefully, next time there will be more photos of outdoor activities :-P

Hasta pronto! <3 