
Hello Sunshine Coast — and how we almost missed our flight

Rakabudiswa: 14.04.2024

A lot has happened since our date with Arnold the Koala. I'll just tell you everything one by one.

Our flight left at 9. Our plan: get up at 5:50, everyone goes to the toilet, leave at 6:30, be at the airport at 7. So far so good. But it didn't turn out that way 😂

Because the night before, I suddenly got chills. The worst kind. Then came the fever, the headache, the aching limbs and finally the stomach... I now know that it was most likely genuine food poisoning.

We didn't leave the hotel until 6:45 and we still had to return our rental car, and this time the rental place was a bit outside of the airport and we had to take the shuttle. Shit! We just hadn't factored that in.

Master plan. Siar drives us to the airport: Kian and I drop off the luggage while Siar returns the car. Good thing we got lost twice on the way to the parking garage, there was no parking space and we got out on the wrong floor... when did we get to the airport? At 10 to 8 😂

Then I had to drag both backpacks (21 and 17 kg) behind me and push Kian, who had food poisoning, to the counter 😂. I was exhausted (and nervous too) 5 minutes before boarding, but Siar wasn't back yet.

The shuttle doesn't leave for another 10 minutes... oops, that's going to be tight. Funnily enough, instead of getting upset, I had to laugh.

Kian and I had already gone through security. Siar had now arrived too — final call.

We had to run, Siar even faster — but we made it. With flying colors — but we made it 😂 I certainly don't need to go through that stress again.

The flight was then quiet and easy. New rental car - off to the hotel and straight to bed. I really felt incredibly bad. But now it's time to stop complaining: today it's much better and I've been able to eat again 😃

After I had had enough rest yesterday, we ventured out to the beach today. It's warm again - a cozy 26 degrees.

We enjoyed the afternoon at Mudjimba beach and it was wonderful. Reminded me of Denmark, only warm. Wonderful.

Now I'm lying in bed and I feel almost completely healthy again. Tomorrow I'm sure it will be great again. I'll report back.

Pindura (2)

Oh shit, das war nicht schön, aber gut, dass es schon wieder fast überstanden ist. Ich drücke die Daumen, dass es heute wieder richtig gut schmeckt und ihr den Rest eurer tollen Reise ohne weitere Lebensmittelvergiftungen übersteht. 😘

Oh no zum Glück bist du wieder gesund 😀 geniest noch eure Zeit 😘

Mishumo yekufambisa Ositireriya