
19th June/81st Day: Ostabat - St-Jean-Pied-de-Port

Rakabudiswa: 22.06.2019

The last two days before entering Spain should be relaxed days. With a temperature of 28 degrees, it's perfect hiking weather. I say goodbye to Jan, but we'll meet again in the hostel in the evening.

I meet up with two former Mecklenburgers, and we spend the next two days together.

We arrive early in the beautiful tourist-filled St-Jean-Piét-de-Port. I send old travel guides home and have the opportunity to buy some things (like a shirt).

By chance, I ended up in the Kaserna hostel, run by the Catholic community. I enjoy the excellent care and the 4-course menu.

A 2018 statistic is posted, and I couldn't believe it:

In 2018, around 58000 pilgrims set off from St-Jean-Piét-de-Port to Santiago de Compostella. Of these:

9000 were French

6400 were Spanish

6300 were American

5600 were Italian

4300 were South Korean, and only then

4000 were German.

I'm completely motivated, and I'm on schedule to arrive in Santiago around 18th July. From here, it's only 758 kilometers to go!

Pindura (2)

Wir sind mal lieber am 17.07. in Santiago, bei Deinem Tempo :)

Yes. Wir können die Tage nun rückwarts zählen❤️