Komm, lass uns abenteuern!
Komm, lass uns abenteuern!

That was Melbourne - hardly there, we were gone again!

Rakabudiswa: 22.02.2020

After landing safely, we were greeted once again with the phrase: 'Were you in China in a past two weeks?'

On the way to customs, Manu immediately spotted the winner of the Australian Open - Novak Djokovic - on a huge billboard and we couldn't resist taking a photo.

Fortunately, all our concerns about camping gear and hiking shoes were unfounded. When asked if we had cleaned the items well beforehand, they waved us through customs and suddenly we found ourselves at the exit not knowing where to go.
We then took the bus directly to the hotel in the trendy neighborhood of St. Kilda. From there, we had direct access to the ocean, where we could observe penguins during sunrise and sunset.
From our little apartment, we had a wonderful view of the Melbourne skyline and the beach.
After a bit of rest, we took a tram (because that is the main mode of transportation here) for a stroll around the city. Melbourne felt very lively and bustling to us.
The next day started with a very hearty breakfast at a nice bar. We made plans for the day and then came the bad surprise - no trams were running. There is also a strike here in Melbourne - and this time it's the trams. So we explored the city on foot.

Pindura (2)

Melbourne ist lebendig und quirlig.. 🤔🤔🤔 Dann seit ihr ja in eure Heimat angekommen!!! https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.a5e5eab77c1291b28b9d43aeedb90e55&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2f3oz8xOUyiwvMfLqc4o%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=C1qgBp53uG37uofOmtpQkhr0BtJhAzJW8o5IxpfD2n0%3d


Mishumo yekufambisa Ositireriya