
Day 6 - our last day in Melbourne

Rakabudiswa: 04.01.2023

Today we start the day with a visit to Centre Place. There we try our first Flat White at AIX Café, a double espresso with a lot of milk. Melbourne is known for having the best coffee in the world, but we cannot confirm that yet (my favorite is still the Cappucchino with oat milk at Mókuska Caffé, Stuttgart). The good coffee is said to be a result of the good water quality in Melbourne. We think the water tastes a bit like chlorine. Apparently, no one uses Britta filters here. We continue to Federation Square and ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image), a facility that houses exhibitions and screenings on film, television, and gaming. Here we explore the history of film. We also visit a special exhibition that addresses the exploitation of Aboriginals, the Australian history of colonization, and the careless treatment of Australian nature through film footage and video games.

We stroll through Hosier Lane and notice that some street artworks have already changed since our second day. We then head to AC/DC Lane, where we can admire more street art as a homage to the Australian rock band AC/DC.

We visit the Model Tudor Village in Fitzroy Gardens and continue to the Old Treasury Building. Unfortunately, the facade is currently under restoration, so the view from the outside is not that impressive. Inside, we explore an exhibition on Lost Jobs. My personal highlight is the Haderlump.

In the afternoon, we make our way past the State Library to Queen Victoria Village. Our goal is the Max Brenner Chocolate Bar (Max Brenner - QV). There, on the recommendation of a colleague, we try the chocolate fondue with strawberries, banana, marshmallow, and sweet bread.

In the evening, we have dinner at Omi - a Japanese fast-food restaurant. I order a Tofu Rice Bowl and Dennis mistakenly orders Ramen. Those who know Dennis know that he really can't appreciate Ramen. He is slightly disappointed and we reflect on our overall impression of Melbourne. Melbourne reminds us of European cities, but we believe it has that special something. Melbourne has a lot to offer culturally, with many promenades and well-maintained parks. It is very clean, and there are a lot of trash cans with QR codes that allow reporting of street litter or graffiti. Many places offer free wifi and public restrooms. The Free Tram Zone is very convenient, as well as the numerous free attractions, exhibitions, and museums.


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