NordSeaCycleTour 2018 ich will dann mal weg  
NordSeaCycleTour 2018 ich will dann mal weg

Denmark Day 6 - April 25th

Rakabudiswa: 25.04.2018

Destination today Esbjerg (DK) = 77 km

Very beautiful landscapes, characterized by agriculture. A stop in the oldest city in Denmark was mandatory... in Ribe time seems to stand still... many houses in the narrow streets date back to 1600.

Today we had a very peaceful route, remote farming villages, hardly any traffic, but again headwind... Road conditions not always bicycle-friendly... Gravel paths invite you to dismount and push. Racing bikes have no chance here... our slightly wider trekking tires have proven themselves.

The Danes are very friendly towards cyclists, always ready with a remark... Car drivers show consideration, no one has honked, not even when we use the middle of the road.
