
The Russian school routine

Rakabudiswa: 30.10.2019

The school routine here looks very different. First and foremost, it depends on where you live. If you live near the school, you can sleep longer and walk to school. However, if you live further away, you have to wake up earlier because you either rely on the minibus or your parents, who usually have to plan for traffic jams. In school, there is a dress code. A black pair of trousers and a white shirt or t-shirt are preferred. For elementary school students, there were fixed classrooms, but from the fifth grade onwards, there are special rooms for each subject. The lessons were scheduled for 45 minutes per subject. Around 12:45, students had the opportunity to have lunch in the canteen or cafeteria. The school day ended around 3:00 pm for older students.

In the learning process, the emphasis here in Russia is more on rote learning. Additionally, elementary school students are also disciplined much more strictly. They have to adopt a specific posture when raising their hand and are punished with minus points or lower grades for disrupting the class. The best grade here is a 5 and the worst is a 1.

Teaching is done using modern methods, such as PowerPoint presentations on a whiteboard.
