
Kunyemwerera ndiyo mari yakanakisa

Rakabudiswa: 02.03.2020

The last few days passed quickly but they were memorable. We met a very nice couple who gave us something very important. It all started on Friday at a beautiful campsite... there we met two wonderful people who like to spend their weekends in a caravan by the beach. We had a little chat and the next day they gave us a bag full of fresh fruit from their own garden. On that day, we explored the nature and surroundings on our own and enjoyed the sunny weather. In the evening, we played our favorite game Skipbo (Easter Bunny, we need new games) and then went to bed...

The next day, we had hardly any time to pause, only to marvel and enjoy. Gayleen came by and took us in her car to show us a wonderful beach in the area. On the way, we bought homemade ice cream at a hobby market and were amazed when we saw the beach. Black sand, towering waves, and all hidden between the mountains. She took many pictures of us splashing and laughing. She enjoyed our laughter! Then, on the recommendation of a friend, we went to a blueberry plantation. We ate and picked berries at the same time. As we drove and rested, we enjoyed the view. We laughed a lot together and talked about this and that. This woman is so impressive and spontaneous! When we arrived at our car, we went straight to the beautiful spot. After that, our day consisted of surfing waves, cooking, getting sand out of our ears, surfing waves again, and sleeping. We were really exhausted, but unfortunately, we couldn't find peace because we had a surprise guest. Unfortunately, a rat decided to eat our berry bar and was very noisy about it. We couldn't sleep anymore. Since Gayleen and her friend asked us to wash our laundry and ourselves at their home, we drove to their place the next morning. We immediately told them about the rat and shortly afterward, we all unpacked and thoroughly cleaned the car. No rat in sight. They offered us a bed, which we gratefully accepted. They gave us a rat trap overnight and now we are rat-free. It wasn't in the trap, but it was nowhere to be found either. It was a beautiful, happy, and fun time with them. After a leisurely and long morning, we said goodbye, knowing that we will see each other again. They gave us more contacts where we can stay if we want. A smile is priceless and the best currency, the two of them repeatedly reminded us of this. If we ever have the chance to give the same to someone else (a bed, as well as everything else), we will do it! We will now continue slowly on our way to the South Island. The next stop is Otorohana. We have seen Tuakau and Waiuku in the last few days. Now we're going further, we're very excited and have deeply connected with the two of them. Here we go. Until the next blog post, Sofie+Alessa. <3


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