
20.10.2016 Harry Potter

Rakabudiswa: 20.10.2016

Today is Valentina's big day. She is a huge Harry Potter fan (me too) and so it was her special wish to visit the Warner Brother Studios here in London to see where the movies were filmed. We have booked a tour at 3:30 pm and therefore have the whole morning off. After the intense program of the last almost two weeks, not so bad.

However, my mother and Valentina still want to do something and so they take a walk through the neighboring forest.

At 1pm we already start our journey to Leavesden, but we have no idea if the studios are hard to find, if you maybe have to walk for a long time, etc. Besides, it doesn't matter if we sit here at the campsite or in the motorhome on the studio parking lot.

The studios are very easy to find, you get a parking spot immediately and the parking spaces are right next to the entrance. Everything is very easy. We pick up our ticket and find out that we can already queue up for the next tour. We don't have to wait at all. Convenient! This way we are already at the studio at 2:20 pm.

Regarding the tour, I can only say this: Absolutely worth it for fans and more than worth your money. It's incredible what you can see! The details, the original costumes, original sets, lots of special information, etc. etc. Absolutely amazing. It takes us almost 4 hours to finish the tour, our feet hurt and our backs ache, but we are still sad when it's over. So for those who are near London and like Harry Potter: A must-see!

Here are just a few pictures of the bigger sets. For some reason, Valentina and I didn't take a picture of the Great Hall! I don't know why. But it's there and it looks amazing!

Harry's room under the stairs.

The Gryffindor common room

Dumbledore's office

The potions classroom

17,000 oil paintings were created for Harry Potter.

The Weasley's kitchen in 'The Burrow'

Hagrid's hut

Dolores Umbridge's office

Ron and Harry's bedroom. The crochet blanket at the front is obviously Ron's.

The train station hall with the Hogwarts Express. You could even get on the train and see the compartments where they filmed.

Valentina wanted to ride right away!

Diagon Alley! A really great set. So many details in the individual shop windows! A must-see!

And finally, the huge Hogwarts model. It was filmed in front of a green screen to make it look like it's in the Highlands.

Oh look, we know this entrance! It's in Alnwick, the first castle we visited on our trip. Here it's a miniature version for aerial shots and we've already stood right by the wall on the right.

And what do I see? A stone circle almost exactly like in Outlander! I've never noticed it in Harry Potter, but this just completes the circle of this trip, which was so Outlander-heavy.

Finally, we have to drink a butterbeer. I can't really say that it tastes bad. It actually tastes like a liquid caramel candy with cream, but it's definitely too rich to finish!

Pindura (2)

Oh ein Butterbier... zum Wohl! Wie ool ist das denn? Hach, wenn man die ganzen Sets sieht, möchte man glatt die Filme wieder sehen. Entzaubert das nicht, wenn man die Locations so nüchtern, technisch und ohne "Leben" sieht? Ein ganz toller Ausflug!

Oh!!! Harry Potter! 😍 Was für ein toller Ausflug....
