
Galapagos tall tales from the seal bank

Lolomiina: 23.10.2017

'Miracles are not at odds with nature, but only with what we know about nature.'

                                                                       St. Augustine

Our home for 6 days
Our home for 6 days

'You have to look at the horizon, then things will get better, says the voice inside me'.

Easier said than done when the ship is rocking between the blue sea and an even bluer sky, try finding a horizon there.

And so I stagger from one side to the other, much to the amusement of the ship's crew, into my approximately three square meter cabin below deck, lie down, pop even more 'anti-I'm-gonna-puke-all-over-the-ship' tablets, lie down, cling to the mattress and hope to fall asleep soon and not wake up in the cold water. And what is actually the lethal dose for anti-nausea tablets ????

It works, at least the sea still seems to be outside the window and the morning offers me what I have taken on the hardships for... And in a moment the internal cursing stops, the hardships of the first night are gone and I begin to understand why I am here.

Into the unknown
Into the unknown

It is difficult to describe such an incredibly beautiful and diverse place in the world. Perhaps like this..

There were moments when I simply sat quietly on the deck of the old rickety sailing ship, gazing at the different shades and shapes of the islands, listening to the waves, and watching the red sun sink into the sea or marvel at the countless stars in the darkest night sky above the sea.

Our boat at sunset
Our boat at sunset

And then, two dark backs at the end of the horizon, two fins. They must be huge. This time not a seal...Whales! I scream, and hardly spoken, they have already sunk back into the dark blue.

View of our ship, the Encantada
View of our ship, the Encantada.

And I understand Captain Ahab as he chased Moby Dick, standing on the deck, while the cold Pacific air (although I think it was the Atlantic) blew around his rough face.

That must be it, the feeling of true peace, true freedom.

3 square meter cabin. Fun!
3 square meter cabin. Fun!

Corny? Ohhh yes....and it can be that way at this place in the world. Welcome to the Galapagos Islands! And so here is a selection of the best pictures from over 2500 shot photos.

Do not disturb
Do not disturb
San Cristobal evening atmosphere
San Cristobal evening atmosphere
Lava cactus. Grows as the only plant on rocky ground. Takes almost 20 years for that
Lava cactus. Grows as the only plant on rocky ground. Takes almost 20 years for that
Lava bomb. Looks like stone. Due to the trapped air, it weighs about as much as a tennis ball
Lava bomb. Looks like stone. Due to the trapped air, it weighs about as much as a tennis ball

Daphne Island. Home to countless breeding birds
Daphne Island. Home to countless breeding birds

Lava lizard. One of the few animals that survive on volcanic soil
Lava lizard. One of the few animals that survive on volcanic soil

Marine iguana. Just wanted to say hello or steal my ice cream for a moment.
Marine iguana. Just wanted to say hello or steal my ice cream for a moment.
Sea lions in San Cristobal
Sea lions in San Cristobal

If you
If you're not so easily cold, you can swim with sea lions here. San Cristobal Island

Leon dormido or Kicker Rock. The demanding current dives here offer countless fish. Including the big ones like reef sharks or tunas
Leon dormido or Kicker Rock. The demanding current dives here offer countless fish. Including the big ones like reef sharks or tunas
Galapagos Seagull. Can hardly be outdone in volume when screaming. Santa Cruz Island
Galapagos Seagull. Can hardly be outdone in volume when screaming. Santa Cruz Island

Someone was in a hurry!
Someone was in a hurry!

This one...not. Sorry, The!
This one...not. Sorry, The!

Finches. There are many of them in the Galapagos.
Finches. There are many of them in the Galapagos.


Chäfi in action
Chäfi in action

The color protects against being eaten. Sometimes...
The color protects against being eaten. Sometimes...

Bridge on San Cristobal
Bridge on Santa Cruz Island
Approximately 1 week old fur seal
Approximately 1 week old rare fur seal (FurLion)


Seal pup
Seal pup

Our faithful boat companionOur faithful boat companion

Sea turtle in front of volcano Ecuador
Sea turtle in front of volcano Ecuador

She just wants to play...
She just wants to play...

Too bad there are no pictures with scent emitters
Too bad there are no pictures with scent emitters

Ticket dodger
Ticket dodger

Galapagos penguins. By the way, completely fascinated by ship propellers
Galapagos penguins. By the way, completely fascinated by ship propellers

Blue-footed boobyBlue-footed booby

And another one
And another one

Watch me!
Watch me!

Giant tortoises. It can hardly get any more relaxed

A drop of bitterness remains. Not only in the rum bottle. Because here too corruption is entering and it is probably only a matter of time before the conservation regulations of the reserve are relaxed to the point where there is not much nature left.

With the hope that the archipelago will not be destroyed by the ever-emerging more profitable tourism, we leave this magical place after eleven days..... prepare for our next adventure. The Amazon.


