
See you again with John: Udine - a beautiful little town with hardly any tourists / Italy

Objavljeno: 30.08.2023


When we arrive in Udine, Milan and I can hardly believe that there are practically no tourists in such a beautiful place with a great piazza and lots of small but fine architectural details. Italy is probably just beautiful everywhere, so tourists are overwhelmed by that....😂

In any case, we enjoy having the place to ourselves, go shopping for clothes and have had a really delicious meal in a vegetarian bistro for a long time (since Milan and I are vegetarians, traveling in some countries is not that easy for us. ...).

We have a coffee with the super nice Nancy until John picks us up after work and takes us to his apartment. Since his Serbian wife and his son always spend the summer months in Serbia, John simply lets them use their room. Milan I cook a delicious curry and we spend the evening with wine and exciting and funny conversations with John. His hospitality overwhelmed us and I really hope that John will visit us in Bonn someday!


Poročila o potovanjih Italija