Tandem-/Fahrradtour Europa
Tandem-/Fahrradtour Europa

Tandem tour Day 65

Objavljeno: 30.06.2017


Today was the last day of cycling, there won't be much tomorrow and the day after. After sorting out our bones this morning, we started in drizzling rain. We were lucky and the drizzle didn't last long, but there was a lot of rain during a longer break in Delmenhorst. After our break, we arrived dry in Bremen. So all in all, the weather went well. We both had a little trouble getting on the bike, me with my knee and Uwe with his hand. We bought some bandages here in the pharmacy, so we are well prepared for the next day.



Distance covered: 48.27 km

Total riding time: 3:18:25 h

Average speed: 14.6 km/h

Max. speed: 28.4 km/h

Total elevation gain: 66 m

Stay in Bremen
Odgovori (2)

Hurra, es ist geschafft, Bremen erreicht. Morgen gute Weiterfahrt zu Lutz. Die Durchhaltemedailie habt ihr euch erkämpft, toi,toi,toi.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch für Euch beide! 2 Monate auf dem Fahrrad - das muss Euch erst mal einer nachmachen! Es war nicht immer leicht, um nicht zu sagen, es war doch strapaziös. Nun könnt ihr Euch erst mal erholen.

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