
Santiago de Compostela

Objavljeno: 12.06.2018

The Journey Of Success

(By Nancy Hammel)

When choosing the path to follow, I selected the road heading west.

It began in the Forest of Childhood, and ceased at the City of Success.

My bag was packed full of knowledge, but also some fears and some weights.

My most precious cargo was a vision of entering the city’s bright gates.

I reached an impassable river, and feared that my dream had been lost.

But I found a sharp rock, cut down a tree, and created a bridge, which I crossed.

It started to rain, and I was so cold, I shivered and started to doubt.

But I made an umbrella out of some leaves and kept all the cold water out.

The journey took longer than I had planned; I had no food left in my dish.

Rather than starve before reaching my dream, I taught myself how to fish.

I grew awfully tired as I walked on and on, and I thought of the weights in my pack.

I tossed them aside, and I speed up again. Fear was all that was holding me back.

I could see the City Of Success, just beyond a small grove of trees.

At last, I thought , I have reached my goal! The whole world will envy me!

I arrived at the city, but the gate was locked. The man at he door frowned and hissed,

“You have wasted your time. I can’t let you in. Your name is not on my list”.

I cried and I screamed and I kicked and I shook; I felt that my life had just ceased.

For the first time ever, I turned my head, and for once in my life faced the east.

I saw all the things I had done on my way, all the obstacles i’d overcome.

I couldn’t enter the city , but that didn’t mean I hadn’t won.

I had taught myself how to ford rivers, and how to stay dry in the rain.

I had learned how to keep my heart open, even if sometime it lets in some pain.

I learned , facing backwards, that life meant more than just survival.

my success was in my journey, not in my arrival.

Odgovori (1)

Heidi und ich haben festgestellt das du richtig zufrieden aussiehst. Rockin all over the World.

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