
Peninsula and a bit of nostalgia

Objavljeno: 06.09.2016

We had the evening off yesterday from 9 pm. Wow, both kids were sleeping! We watched a movie and fell asleep at 11, completely exhausted. Parental leave is definitely not a vacation ;)

Following the local's recommendation from yesterday, we went to the Skanör Falsterbo peninsula today, about a 20-minute drive from the campsite. We found a deserted fine sandy beach and a small fishing harbor with mini houses everywhere next to it. We set up our camp on the beach. It was too cold to swim, but the sun and sand were enough. By lunchtime, things started to get lively. The nice and fancy-looking restaurant opened its doors. We said, screw it, it's our last day, let's splurge. We ordered only based on the waiter's recommendation because the menu was in Swedish. We got beautifully arranged and very tasty plates. And the bill. Mom had to check three times. Only 260 Krona (28€) with water included. Nice! Let's take another walk and have ice cream for dessert. Philip, that wasn't a bargain... Over 10€!

Back at the campsite, we had coffee first and then went for a bike ride. Philip needed to burn off some energy. We quickly picked up something for our final barbecue. Time flew by so fast. We're already going home tomorrow. Dad will probably take a detour through Finland. Mom misses a toilet with a flushing system and urgently needs to dye her hair ;)

The ferry leaves tomorrow at 2:15 pm and arrives around 8 pm. Dad will then drive straight through from Rostock to Riesa.

Odgovori (2)

Wie schnell Urlaub vorbei ist, weiss ich seit gestern auch, denn da war mein 1. Arbeitstag. Euch wünschen wir eine gute Heimreise.

Ich wünsche Euch eine gute Heimfahren.

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