
34 nach León

Objavljeno: 22.04.2024

Distance 105 kilometers, cumulative 2,873 kilometers | Elevation 1,490, cumulative 23,830

Although I slept a little yesterday afternoon, I recovered well during the night. After all, I had a king's stage ahead of me. I had never seen so much elevation gain on a route of over 100 kilometers before. But I took on this challenge with joy and full of enthusiasm.

Shortly after the start, the big climb began; over 1,000 meters in altitude in one go. Because it was Monday, I expected traffic, but the only vehicles I encountered were the taxis that collect the pilgrims' luggage and take them to the next overnight accommodation.

Today, too, I met many pilgrims who had obviously set off much earlier than they should have. There were even cyclists from Korea among them. People travel from all over the world to make the pilgrimage to Santiago. What are their motives?

Halfway up the climb I found a café where I could warm myself up with a hot cup of chocolate. The temperatures are quite low, between 6 and 12 degrees I saw.

When planning yesterday, I saw that there were sights on the tour that I really wanted to see from the outside. Markus from the canoe club also pointed this out to me, thank you very much ‼️

On the one hand there is the Cathedral of Astorga and right next to it the Palacio de Gaudi. Look at the photos, I was very impressed!

Today the first line on the battery indicator disappeared after just 15 kilometers, but I still had 500 meters of elevation and over 90 kilometers to go. But problems are there to be solved. So after the descent I tried for the first time and successfully rode without the support of the motor. It is impossible to save any more power.

Driving on federal highways is generally not very pleasant. But today it was really fun. The stripes on the side were as wide as our emergency lanes. So there was plenty of space and safety. The actual path that was intended for us ran right next to it and was a pure gravel path. Unnecessary for me when there is such a nice alternative.

León is a well-known city that I really like right away. I'm already sitting in a café, but I want to go for a little walk.

Today I once again had a pleasant encounter with two pilgrims. As I was pushing my bike (because of the steepness), they asked me if they could help me. I explained my background to them and we chatted briefly. Of course we exchanged names and I wanted to take a photo of them. Their names are Tanja and Isabel and they are on their way to Santiago. After wishing each other good luck, we went our separate ways.


Even though I slept a little late, I recovered well at night. After all, behind me there was a real scenario. Nobody has ever been so low-level accumulated at a distance of more than 100 kilometers. But I understand this desire with love and enthusiasm.

The big subsidence came a little after the exit; more than 1,000 meters high in one go. As it was Monday, I was expecting traffic, but the only vehicles I encountered were taxis that recognized the pilgrims' team and took them to the next stop at night.

Today I also met many pilgrims who obviously came much earlier than necessary. Cyclists from Korea also attended the event. People from all over the world come to Santiago. What are the motives that motivate you to do this?

In the middle of the afternoon we came across a warm coffee shop with a cup of hot chocolate. The temperatures are very low, between 6 and 12 degrees.

While we were planning ahead, we had places on the track that I really wanted to see from the outside. Markus from the pirate club also signaled to me, many thanks!!

On the one hand is the Cathedral of Astorga and right on the other hand is Gaudí's Palace. Love the photos, they are very impressive!

Today the first line on the battery loss indicator came after only 15 kilometers, but then I waited 500 meters in altitude and more than 90 kilometers in distance ahead. But problems exist to resolve. For that reason, after the descent, attempted for the first time and ended up driving without the help of the engine. It is not possible to save even more electricity.

Driving on federal roads would not be very pleasant. But today was very funny. The side windows are already like our emergency vehicles. Therefore there is sufficient space and security. Right on the side they discussed the path planned for us and it was definitely a difficult path. Innocence for me when there is a very good alternative.

Leon is a very well known city that I liked a lot. I'm sitting at a café, but I want to take a little walk.

Today he is about to have a great encounter with the pilgrims. As I was getting on my bike (from the bottom), they asked me if I could help. They explained my antecedents and charmed us briefly. For example, we'll also change names and upload a photo. Call Tanja and Isabel from the Way of Santiago. After good mutual wishes, we take separate paths.

Although I slept a little yesterday afternoon, I recovered well during the night. After all, I had a king's stage ahead of me. I've never had so much elevation gain on a route of over 100 kilometers before. But I took on this challenge with joy and full of enthusiasm.

Shortly after the start, the big climb began; over 1,000 meters in elevation in one go. Because it was Monday, I expected traffic, but the only vehicles I encountered were the taxis that collect the pilgrims' luggage and take them to the next overnight accommodation.

Today, too, I encountered many pilgrims who had obviously started much earlier than they actually should have. There were even cyclists from Korea among them. People travel from all over the world to make the pilgrimage to Santiago. What are their motives?

Halfway up the climb, I found a café where I could warm myself up with a hot cup of chocolate. The temperatures are quite low, between 6 and 12 degrees, I saw.

When I was planning yesterday, I saw that there were sights on the tour that I really wanted to see from the outside. Markus from the canoe club also pointed this out to me, thank you very much ‼️

On the one hand, there is the Cathedral of Astorga and right next to it the Palacio de Gaudi. Look at the photos, I was very impressed!

Today the first line on the battery indicator was gone after just 15 kilometers, but there were still 500 meters of altitude and over 90 kilometers of distance ahead of me. But problems are there to be solved. So after the descent, I tried for the first time and successfully to ride without the support of the motor. It is impossible to save even more power.

Driving on federal roads is generally not very nice. But today it was really fun. The stripes on the side were as wide as our breakdown lanes. So there was plenty of space and safety. The actual path that was intended for us ran right next to it and was a pure gravel path. Unnecessary for me when there is such a nice alternative.

León is a well-known city that I also liked very much right away. I'm already sitting in a café, but I want to go for a little walk.

Today I had another pleasant encounter with two pilgrims. As I was pushing my bike (because of the steepness), they asked me if they could help me. I explained my background to them and we chatted briefly. Of course we exchanged names and I wanted to take a photo of them. Their names are Tanja and Isabel and they are on their way to Santiago. After wishing each other good luck, we went our separate ways.


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