
Panoramsko kolo, Eifflov stolp, Roland Garros in PSG v Parizu

Objavljeno: 15.07.2023

On Thursday, July 13th, 2023, as Cindy described in detail in the previous report, we took the metro to the Louvre.

Amelie and I just wanted to see the Louvre from the outside, take some great photos, and explore the surrounding area. From a distance, we saw the Ferris wheel and quickly found our first destination. At the ticket booth, I had a moment of hesitation when I saw that it was 25€ for both of us. But I said it's fine, we don't come to Paris and ride the Ferris wheel often 🎡 😃 Short wait and off we went, but before that, we reminded ourselves several times that it's not that high since we both suffer from vertigo. My motto is often, if I want to see something, I have to go through it and not look down, but only into the distance.

The ride slowly went up and we were so amazed by what we saw. The Louvre in front of us, the Eiffel Tower next to us, the huge city to our left. I was even brave enough to stand in the gondola, despite the prohibition, and take great photos (I only did it because the gondola was completely closed). After three rounds, the fun was unfortunately over, and we were both so happy and treated ourselves to a Fanta and churros and kept telling each other how brave we were. Haha

On July 14th, 2023, the national holiday in 🇫🇷, we wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower, about 7 km from our campsite. The problem was that there was no metro going there, and with about 100 different buses, it would take us about 1.5 hours. So we had to come up with Plan B. Since Cindy wasn't able to accompany us due to the exhausting day before, Steffi had a great idea (as always). We borrowed two children's bicycles here at the campsite, and Steffi already had her bike. Google showed us that it would take 27 minutes by bike, so it should be possible. The three of us set off, and Google showed us the way, sometimes better, sometimes on horse sand paths or directly on the road. We arrived and saw the Eiffel Tower. Unfortunately, everything around it was cordoned off, but we still took cool photos and walked along the Seine. The kids were hungry, so we had mini portions of fries for 6€, and I treated myself to two scoops of ice cream (mango & lemon) for 5€. Phew... I actually wanted to have a cold drink too, but for 4.5€ per can, I decided not to and drank the warm water I brought with me, it was also very tasty... on the way back, we got lost a few times, of course, it was Google's fault, but eventually, we made it back here. I thought I would chill for another 30 minutes before going to my booked Roland Garros tour. For those of us who don't know what that is, it is a tennis Grand Slam tournament also known as the "French Open," and Rafael Nadal has already won it 14 times (enough with unnecessary brain strain. For me, it's quite a highlight, as I have been watching the tournament regularly on TV for years. By chance, I looked at the ticket and had an internal fit of anger, it was after 3 pm, and it said that the tour starts at 2 pm. Cindy called and tried if I could still go at a different time today, but everything was fully booked (I had already bought the ticket at the beginning of April), so much for that. There is still a guided tour in Spanish on Sunday at 10 am, then I'll just do that. After all, I'm interested in the visit itself and not the chit-chat. I probably know more about the tournament than the guide anyway.

Nevertheless, I still went there by bike to see it from the outside as well as the PSG stadium.

By the way, I'm super proud of my girls (not because they don't argue much, in fact, it's quite the opposite) because they did really well with the bike. Seriously, many people don't even dare to drive through Paris by car, and here we are, cycling along the road, etc.

That's all about these topics


Poročila o potovanjih Francija
#paris#eiffelturm #psg