
Puno und Titikakasee

Objavljeno: 27.01.2024

The journey to Puno takes about 5 hours. A beautiful landscape stretches out in front of us. We stop at meadows where free-roaming alpacas graze and continue past snow-capped mountains and sparkling lakes. However, the 5000 meters in altitude and the resulting temperatures are quite difficult for us.

When we arrived in Puno, it became increasingly difficult for us to breathe. To be honest, we're all feeling pretty shitty and we realize that you can't expect too much for 7 euros a night, but whatever - the main thing is a roof over your head :D

After all the hustle and bustle, we long for a little peace, relaxation and time for the three of us. Where can you find this if not on Lake Titicaca?

We take a taxi to the smallest harbor we have ever seen :P
The Airbnb owner is already waiting for us with a small boat. He takes us through a canal, past the Islas Flotantes, to our Airbnb. The accommodation is beautiful! Equipped with a king-size bed, a terrace with a covered bed and a patio heater, which, however, will be our downfall.

The owners live with us on the approximately 100 m2 reed island. We spend the rest of the day on the terrace, reading and relaxing. Gina cooks us a very tasty dinner and brings us hot water bottles for our feet. We can't wait to snuggle up in our huge bed and are looking forward to a relaxing night. "Haha"

Because it is really cold, Clemente turns on a patio heater that is in our accommodation - right next to our bed. Hmmm a patio heater in the interior? Lissi is skeptical and actually doesn't want to die from carbon monoxide poisoning. We look at the stars for a while and then Asma and Plaice get paranoid too. On the patio heater it says in large block letters: “For outdoor use only”. In order to sleep more peacefully, we turn off the patio heater, but we're not sure whether the gas is actually turned off. In our defense: Both the gas bottle and the valve simply look completely different than in Germany. When we ask our friends and family, no one can really help from a distance. So we "sleep" with the windows open and wait until Gina comes to us at 2 a.m. to confirm that we have turned off the gas tap correctly.

After this not so restful night, but a very tasty breakfast, Clements takes us on a tour of Lake Titicaca. He tells us about the history of the Uros and we are allowed to try on traditional costumes.

Back at the Airbnb we chill out on the terrace, read to each other and enjoy the day with Timo the cat :), who will scratch Asma later :( In the evening there will be delicious food again. We'd rather skip the patio heater today!

Odgovori (1)

Ihr organisiert Euch ja tatsächlich ein Abenteuer nach dem anderen 😂 Hauptsache, ihr erholt Euch immer wieder und der Genuss überwiegt 😘 ganz liebe Grüße für Euch! Gudrun.

Poročila o potovanjih Peru