
One last time, you beautiful Scandinavia!

Objavljeno: 03.05.2017

On Sunday, we started towards Scandinavia one last time, towards Norway one last time - my "chosen home" for the past few weeks, so to speak. Increasing hours of sunshine and warmer temperatures on the way to Bergen gave us a glimpse of the approaching summer. With more sunny days, motivation to explore new paths also increases. In less than a week, we will already be in the Baltic Sea, passing destinations like Visby or Stockholm. We are all very excited about that and are already in the final stages of preparing this route. But still, we enjoy the "familiar" places of this journey one last time.. The past few days have been packed with different tasks and great moments, little sleep and lots of fun. Evening rounds in the crew bar with the farewell of the first colleague from the team and my roommate are now behind me, as well as getting to know new colleagues. You have to get used to that, because just when you have adapted to each other and learned to appreciate people, they're gone again. Nevertheless, there are beautiful memories, funny experiences, and shared moments, and these experiences make life on board something unique that I didn't know to this extent before. Often, you are surrounded by people, but still realize how quickly you are on your own again and rely on yourself to have a constant in the whole thing. All of my current Scout colleagues will leave me by mid-June, and from then on, I will be the "oldest" in the team and train the new colleagues. That will certainly be an exciting time, but in the end, I am growing with my tasks here every day and learning. It's still fun. At the end of this journey, I will have been on board for 8 weeks, so I have already completed about a third of my time here! Crazy how time flies.

The past few days held priceless moments for me.. We experienced Bergen twice in a row in glorious sunshine from the peaks of the mountains Fløyen (320 m) and Ulriken (643 m), we sailed through the Kiel Canal in the evening and I enjoyed the view with a colleague at the bow of the ship, and we also explored Copenhagen on foot during our free time, ate the first Danish soft ice cream sprinkled with cocoa, or admired the city from an observation platform on a tower. In the evening, we experienced fun parties on the pool deck, helped at the bar serving cocktails to the guests, or danced until late at night to German pop music. So many moments that are rarely processed here because soooo much happens every day. Overall, everything is probably just being collected for now and evaluated afterwards. No matter what, I have already been able to gather many good impressions so far, feel good at work, and simply live my freedom here!

It remains exciting on the AIDAcara. Next week, I will hold the first presentations on my own about the ports Stockholm and Riga that I have prepared. So far, the presentations have gone better than expected. That gives me courage!

Ahoy and see you soon! I'm thinking of you :)

Odgovori (3)

Huhu, mal wieder ein paar liebe Grüße von mir!! Ist schon echt Wahnsinn, was Du in der doch recht kurzen Zeit schon alles erlebt hast! Und was für Herausforderungen Du Dich stellen musstest und musst. Aber Du hast ganz recht, der Mensch wächst mit seinen Aufgaben;-)) und Du schaffst das alles, da bin ich mir sicher! Ich hoffe, Du bringst von Deinen Reisen auch ein paar spannende neue kulinarische Eindrücke mit, die wir vielleicht doch mal irgendwann gemeinsam "nacharbeiten" können!! Bis dahin, weiter eine schöne Zeit und ganz liebe Grüße von Kerstin

Danke liebe Kerstin. Ich freu mich so, immer einmal von dir zu hören! Es ist schön, zu wissen, dass du bzw. alle so an mich denken und mich unterstützen. Danke dafür! Und klar, sehr gern teile ich die kulinarischen Highlights nach meiner Reise mit dir! Gute Idee. Bis bald und alles Gute auch dir! :-)

Ach meine Kleine. ich muss so oft an dich denken. Deine Karte hat einen Ehrenplatz bei uns und wir vermissen dich und deine Lebensfreude so sehr. aber wir freuen uns auch für dich. Es war genau die richtige Entscheidung und du wirst so viele unvergessliche Momente mitnehmen, die dir keiner nehmen kann. Fühl dich ganz fest umarmt. Bussi Anni