
Phare des Baleines

Publikovaný: 01.06.2023

Phare des Baleines


Today we want to move to a new campsite. It is located in the north of the island near the Phare des Baleines lighthouse.

Phare des Baleines (German: Whale Lighthouse) is a lighthouse built between 1849 and 1854 lighthouse on the Atlantic island of Île de Ré. It belongs to the municipality of Saint-Clément-des-Baleines and replaces an existing lighthouse of the same name, which was built by Vauban. It owes its name to the fact that whales frequently beached at this point in the past.

We make a short detour to the market in Ars en Re.

The French love markets😆 Every day there is a market in a different place on the island.

Fruits and vegetables are extremely expensive here. The only thing that is cheap here is oysters and wine😉

The campsite we chose is not so nice and the beach there is not either. Since the reception is still closed, we decide to drive back to the campsite in La Courade sur Mer and get a very nice spot there for the next few days.

A Dutch person apparently wants the same pitch and suddenly sprints towards the reception🙄 However, the pitch has been blocked for us at the reception, so unfortunately he is out of luck. There are some strange people😉

Actually, we wanted to go to another island. But since it is very nice here and you can explore the island by bike in all directions, we will stay here until Friday.

The rest of the day is for relaxing and of course, sunset at the beach


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