Cologne/Bonn - Boston

ප්‍රකාශිතයි: 09.07.2016

The first day: Aaron was picked up from school, then it went with the speed of light with my in-laws' car to Cologne/Bonn Airport.

After check-in, there was the first positive surprise: no Eurowings or any other budget airline, but a Lufthansa plane with full Lufthansa service. Nicole and Aaron got a nice two-seater by the window, I was less lucky: my seat was in the middle aisle, next to me sat a Russian giant baby who obviously enjoyed too many school trips to Chernobyl. He was about 1.95 meters tall and just as wide. And he didn't understand that he only paid for one seat and that only the seat area was meant for him. Unfortunately, Ivan only spoke Russian, so my worldly complaints in English, German, French, Evangelical, and Catholic were useless.

Well, at the beginning of the vacation, a man is still relaxed...

The arrival at the airport went smoothly, after just under an hour we were at the ferry terminal of the airport with our suitcases, ready to cross over to the pier of our hotel.

The ride was great, after 25 minutes we were at 'Charlestown Navy Yard', and five minutes later at the hotel. Then we went for a little walk to the harbor and had a delicious meal at 'Blackmoore'.

There we ordered a Pale Ale and got a delicious, cool beer. When we paid, we asked about the brand and were told that it was an English beer!!!

The waitress couldn't understand our shocked faces...


පිළිතුර (4)

Sehr schön, dass alles geklappt hat. Leider seid ihr nach eigenen Angaben mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit zum Flughafen gefahren, obwohl dort eine Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung von 100 Km/h gilt. Nach Abzug der Messtoleranz ergibt sich eine Geschwindigkeitsübertretung von 9,2657e-10 Km/h. Ich muss im Tatbestandskatalog jetzt lange blättern, was das kostet. Es könnte passieren, dass ihr bei der Einreise in den Geltungsbereich der Straßenverkehrsordnung zu einem Gespräch über die Person des Fahrzeugführers gebeten werdet.

Nach Rücksprache mit unserem Anwalt von der Sternenflottenakademie machen wir dazu keine Aussage!

(Thorsten) Im Tatbestandskatalog sind die TBNR ja nach Geschwindigkeit gestaffelt. Alle 5 km/h eine neue Nummer. Für die angegebene Geschwindigkeit sind leider keine TBNR mehr verfügbar und der Druck eines neuen Katalogs übersteigt leider das Budget. Da habt ihr mal wieder Glück gehabt.

Puh, Glück gehabt!

තවත් සංචාරක වාර්තා