Tag 25 - Molinaseca nach Ponferrada

ප්‍රකාශිතයි: 08.05.2024

7:45 a.m., I wake up just as the last pilgrims are leaving the hostel. I slept very well last night. I get ready in a relaxed manner and then go to a bar and have churros for breakfast. When I set off at around 9 a.m., there are no pilgrims anywhere in sight. Those who stayed overnight in Molinaseca are all already on their way and those who are coming from the mountain still need a while to reach the valley. Accordingly, I walk the 8 km to Ponferrada, along the country road, quite relaxed. In Ponferrada, the accommodation is still closed at 10:30 a.m., but they let me leave my backpack and my sticks there. Then I set off to see the sights of the city. The town hall, the clock tower, until I get to the square in front of the church of San Andres and sit down for a coffee. Then I went to the Templar castle and met two Germans and Julie from yesterday in front of it. We went in together. Entry is free today. In the region, all public attractions must offer one free day per week. Luckily for us, that was today. The castle is very interesting and from the walls and towers you have a very good view of the whole region. There are also a few statues and churches in the town. By 2pm I'm done sightseeing and check into the hostel. I'm in a room for five people, but no one else is there yet. At 7pm we had dinner together in the hostel. 3 Frenchmen, a Canadian and a Dutch woman sat at my table and we had very interesting conversations.

Today I thought long and hard about whether I should switch to the Camino de Invierno, which is 50km longer than the French route. But I will continue here and have decided not to make any further reservations, but to just decide completely spontaneously where I will walk on any given day.

The very short day today was very good for my legs. I can still feel the exertion of the last two days and my right foot still hurts a little. Tomorrow I will decide relatively spontaneously how far I will walk.

Cost of the day:
Accommodation 14€Breakfast 4€Meals during the day 14€Dinner 12€
පිළිතුර (1)

Tita Maru
Te ha venido bien relajarte hoy un poco, después de tantos cientos de kilómetros andados. Tus fotos, como siempre excelentes. Me alegro que hayas pasado un bonito día. Sigue cuidándote esas piernas. Te esperamos mañana. Adelante peregrino. Buen camino

සංචාරක වාර්තා ස්පාඤ්ඤය