Temple, temple, waterfall, temple, cat cafe.

ප්‍රකාශිතයි: 18.10.2018


It's only 06:45 am when I first look at my phone. Why am I looking at my phone so early? Someone in the hostel thought this was the perfect time to use a drill. No, seriously, who does that? The drill noise was happening every few minutes. So it was like falling back asleep, then being woken up again, ...

That wasn't a great start to the day. Well, as usual, I got up at 8 am. Breakfast and off on the scooter. First stop, Wat Huay Pla Kang. A long ride. Well, another temple, I thought. But there was a pagoda with eight floors plus ground floor. In each floor, there was a different statue. It was exhausting, but I love challenges :). Also, there was, who knows why this exists, a free restaurant there. Yes, seriously, it was free. Had a nice meal.

Alright, then off to Doi in Cee temple. I got lost. Stupid Google Maps! Let's go back then. It was a long way up the mountain. Great, another huge Buddha. Another viewing platform. It's really starting to feel the same. Alright, let's keep going to Khun Korn Forest Park waterfall. I read online that you can swim there. Another long ride there. Did a little bit of trekking until I reached the waterfall. I lost interest in swimming. Too rocky and dangerous. No sun, too cold. Alright, let's go to the White Temple then. Uff, another temple...

Once I arrived there, it wasn't so bad. This temple is actually different compared to the others. Those hands reaching up from the ground have something special. I was back at the hostel by 4 pm. Cool!, now I can sit comfortably in the cat cafe. It's more expensive than other Thai cafes, but I ordered something delicious and continued writing the blog. In the evening, I had a video chat with the family. And as usual, I had dinner at the market.


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