Day 11

ප්‍රකාශිතයි: 24.05.2023

Monday, March 20, 2023

After a short delay, our day started at 08:17 with a trip to the Rosh Hanikra Nature Reserve.

Rosh Hanikra is located on the northwestern tip of Israel, at the only point where the sea meets the cliffs, right on the Lebanese border. In good weather, you can explore the caves created by the sea here.

Due to heavy rain in recent days, we unfortunately could not enter the caves as they were completely underwater due to the rough waves and rain. But the descent to them in small cable cars as well as the view of the sea and the waves crashing against the cliffs were still worth the visit.

Afterwards, we continued towards Acre, an ancient port city in Israel. Here, we were able to visit the Hospitaller Quarter of the Knights Templar with the help of an audio guide. The fortress and the buildings, all located several meters below ground, served as a hospice and hospital for the many pilgrims who came to the Holy Land during the time of the Crusaders in the 12th and 13th centuries.

We then visited the Acre Market. Here, many of us bought teas and spices or 'handmade typical porcelain' (quote Kim) before heading back towards Oranim College after a short lunch.

In the evening, we met again at the college to spend the Farewell Evening together. Here, in addition to a variety of dishes and lively conversations, we also experienced a reflection method using a pact that was passed around in the circle we sat in. Music was played during this time. When the music stopped, a layer of newspaper had to be removed from the package, revealing a question relating to the exchange on the previously covered layer. In this reflection game and the subsequent group reflection, many beautiful things, moments, and memories were shared, which we will always remember.


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